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         Wasal Khan at his snack shop.
        out urban renewal, with their sustain-
        ability aim to support social inclusive-
        ness and social mobility of the under-
           But many of Khan’s friends had
        to move out of To Kwa Wan and bear
        higher living costs.
           Khan prefers staying in the area
        and moving both his shop and home
        to the nearby wet market. “I have
        many friends here. I have business
        here, and I have my home here, so it
        (To Kwa Wan) is special (to me),” he
           Chloe Au Yee-wing, a social work-
        er in the To Kwa Wan urban renewal
        social service team, thinks the place is
        unique for its intangible connections
        between people.                               Notices posted by the Urban Renewal Authority in
           The renewal projects involving                          the redevelopment zones.
        Wing Kwong Street, Kai Ming Street,    She recalls seeing the charm of the  are becoming rare in Hong Kong,” she
        Hung  Fook  Street,  Yuk  Shing  Street  neighbourhood when she first started  says.
        and Ngan Hon Street came to an end  working in the area two years ago.    “Strong community networks may
        by August, with the last two shops     “Walking from one end of the  be alien to the young generation. Ur-
        moved out on August 16 and the last  street to another, everyone greeted one  ban renewal and redevelopment are
        resident moved out on August 31.    another. They gathered around a burst  not just about demolishing, compen-
           Au says though many elderly peo-  water main and joked about it. They  sating and relocating. The ties be-
        ple have resettled in buildings with  put down shopping bags at shops and  tween people matter too,” Au adds.
        lifts, they prefer their old homes where  retrieved them later at night… Small
        they grew up with fond memories.    communities with close ties like these

         Urban renewal and redevelopment are not

       just about demolishing, compensating and re-

                                                                                            Edited by Kelly Yu
        locating. The ties between people matter too.                                 Sub-edited by Reus Lok

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