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54 / Photo Feature

        says Law.                           10,000 citizens and professionals. The  conservation has grown stronger as
                “The over-commercialisation   study finding shows the public wants   developments in Hong Kong ma-
        of the whole site by introducing high-  to preserve the historical features of   tured.
        end stores such as bars and luxury   the structure instead of commercial-      “No one cared about heritage
        cake shops contradicts with the origi-  ising the site,” he says.       conservation, and everyone was busy
        nal wet market vibes of the Central        Au and his team also faced   making a living in the 1970s. People
        Market,” she adds.                  safety constraints in the project.  who were born in the 1980s were the
                “It is sad to see that many        “The site was built in 1939   first generation who grew up in a ma-
        special features are removed after the   and extra measures and facilities have  ture society and started to care more
        revitalisation. For instance, handrails   to be added to ensure that it is safe   about culture and heritage conserva-
        are added to the signature staircases   for people to enjoy the site,” he says.  tion,” he says.
        and the windows near Des Voeux             “The URA also hopes to              Lee points out that it is an
        Road are removed and replaced by    suggest new placemaking ideas and   outdated and unsustainable common
        glass walls,” she says.             connect the Central Market with     belief that preserving a site entirely is
                Wilfred Au Chun-ho, Direc-  other heritage sites like Tai Kwun and  the best way of conservation.
        tor (Planning and Design) of the    PMQ to build a ‘cultural triangle’ in      “As a lot of early conservation
        URA, shares a different concern. He   the Central and Western District,” he   theories are borrowed from archae-
        thinks that it is difficult to strike a   adds.                         ology and museology, people from
        balance between different concerns         Lee Ho-yin, associate profes-  older generation follow these theories
        for the Central Market project.     sor of Architectural Conservation at   and are dissatisfied about the URA
                “We have spent three years   the University of Hong Kong, says   for being unable to entirely preserve
        collecting views from more than     that public awareness about heritage   the site’s outlook,” the architectural
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