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        The Central Market has been turned into           Lui Seng Chun is a Grade 1 historic building located
      a tourist spot for local stores, retaurants and   in Mong Kok. (Photo courtesy of Casper Yam Ming-ho)
      curate information, and their views       “Most of the stalls sell high-  has also been following the Central
      on conservation projects are biased.   class goods and the first public activ-  Market revitalisation project.
      Their views may misinform the pub-  ity at the site is a science education      “The Central Market was
      lic about heritage conservation and   workshop which is not related to the   originally planned to be sold to de-
      mislead them to think that commer-  site’s historical or cultural value,” Yam  velopers. It is preserved and protect-
      cialising heritage sites is wrong,” he   says.                         ed now because of public concern,”
      says.                                     Katty Law Ngar-ning, con-                   “
             Yam understands that com-   venor of the Central and Western
      mercialisation is a must to preserve   Concern Group, agrees with Yam.   The over-commer-
      heritage sites and make them sustain-  She says the younger generation born
      able. But he thinks that the Central   in and after the 1980s have a strong   cialisation of the
      Market is over-commercialised.     awareness about heritage conserva-
             The Central Market is a     tion, citing the protest to urge the   whole site by intro-
      government-owned Grade 3 historic   government to conserve Central Star
      building. As one of the oldest wet   Ferry Pier as an example.            ducing high-end
      markets, the 82-year-old building         In 2006, the government       stores such as bars
      used to be a vibrant place for resi-  demolished the 48-year-old Central
      dents nearby to buy groceries and   Star Ferry Pier for the Central and   and luxury cake
      build a local network until 2003.  Wan Chai Reclamation. Many young
             In 2009, the Central Market   people protested to show their dis-  shops contradicts
      was announced to be revitalised as   content.
      a response to the Chief Executive’s       “After this incident, young     with the original
      Policy Address.                    people at that time started to care
             After three years of revitalisa-  more about heritage conservation.   wet market vibes of
      tion by the Urban Renewal Authority   Voices about protecting historical
      (URA), the building with the long-  sites grew louder and that has planted  the Central Market.
      standing history re-opened in August  seeds of heritage conservation in the
      2021 and will be operated by China-  next generation,” says Law.
      chem Group for 10 years.                  The concern group convenor
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