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      the land is steep, and it can grow lim-                              “
      ited crops. Blueberry is also a popular
      fruit in Korea these days.              Farming is not as simple as it seems.
        “The hardest part about starting
      my farm was securing starting fund.         You need to have different skills
      Being a newcomer in the rural area,
      without knowing anyone, was tough                      to make it happen
      too,” he says.
        Kim applied for a government sub-
      sidy in 2016 under the ‘Youth Farmer                                 ”
      Fostering Policy,’ a scheme that aims
      to help farmers aged between 20 and  different skills to make it happen,” he
      40.                                says.
        “The scheme subsidises a farmer     Kim reminds future farmers to
      for three years. A farmer can get a  make  as  many visits  as  possible  to
      monthly support fund of 1,000,000  farming  communities  beforehand.
      won  (US  $1,000) in  the first year,  “Learn from experienced farmers and
      900,000 won (US $900) in the second  make very specific plans,” he says.
      year, and 800,000 won (US $800) in    While there are young farmers
      the third year,” he says.          like Kim who want to start their own
        “You cannot survive just by grow-  farming business, there are also young
      ing crops unless you are rich enough  farmers who just want to be self-suf-
      to hire employees,” he says. Kim starts  ficient.
      his day at 5:30 a.m. and does every-  Baik Ji-hyeon and Kim Chan-mi
      thing from grow-             ing  are young part-time farmers in their
      to harvesting by                   early 20s. Baik is a university student
      himself. He is                     majoring in history. Kim is a stored-
      also the mar-                      food shop owner who sells different
      keting officer.                    kinds of pesto and pickled food. They
      “Farming  is                       are members of Pusil, a group of 10   Kim Chan-mi harvests sesame in
      not as simple                      young farmers practising sustainable   Pusil farm. In Pusil, farmer prac-
      as it seems. You                   farming.
      need to have     Kim Young-jin        “I started farming in 2020 because   tises sustainable farming.
                                                                             (Photo courtesy of Kim Chan-mi)

                                                                             I realised that my freedom is actually
                                                                             a product of exploiting others. I just
                                                                             want to grow enough food for myself,”
                                                                             Baik says.
                                                                                Baik’s farming partner Kim Chan-
                                                                             mi learned about agriculture when
                                                                             she was a chef. “I love
                                                                             nature and cook-
                                                                             ing with my
                                                                             own produce.
                                                                             I wanted to
                                                                             farm since I
                                                                             was   young,”
                                                                             Kim Chan-mi
       Kim Young-jin feels happy when his customers and friends enjoy his
                                   blueberries.                                              Kim Chan-mi
                        (Photo courtesy of Kim Young-jin)
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