Page 66 - 160 varsity ebook
P. 66

64 / Lifestyle


         We have to clear

             weeds with

             our hands.

        It takes time and

          efforts to farm



                                                Kim Chan-mi’s Lotus Root Store opened on 28, August, 2021 in
                                                   Incheon, a city which is 25 kilometres from her farm.
                                                               (Photo courtsey of Kim Chan-mi)
           No chemical fertiliser nor machin-  young people to settle in the ageing
        ery is used in Pusil farm. “My work  rural communities,” he says.
        follows my belief. But sometimes I     Han is optimistic about the future
        think modern technology can make  of agricultural industry. “There is
        the work easier,” Kim Chan-mi says.  potential because the industry is less
           “We have to clear weeds with our  developed than others. Farming can
        hands. It takes time and efforts to  offer new opportunities to young peo-
        farm sustainably,” Baik says.       ple,” he says
           Their hardship pays off when peo-   Professor Han advises young farm-
        ple enjoy their produce. “When my  ers to be well-prepared. “A new and
        friends smile eating my produce—    young farmer should also harmonise
        that is the happiest moment of farm-  with the local community in order to
        ing,” Baik says.                    be a successful farmer,” he says.
           Kim Chan-mi feels the same way
        when  she  cooks  with  her  produce.
        “Being able to say ‘This is made out of  Edited by Eve Lee
        my crops’ is a big joy,” she says.   Sub-edited by Soweon Park
           Han Ok-gyu, a professor in the  and Charile Yip
        Department of Food Crops at KN-
        CAF, says government subsidy and
        keen competition in cities are the two
        main reasons why young people join
           “The   government    introduced
        various measures to encourage more
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