Bryce McIntyre

Writing Coach
Paulina Cheung

Production Assistant
Melody Lan

Iris Cheng

Managing Editor
Maggie Lin

Assistant Managing Editor
Penelope Yau

Copy Editor
Alison Jenner

Section Editors
Education and Campus Life: Keith Yee
Periscope: Ada Shum & Candy Tong
Social Issues: Heidi Cheung & Angy Tse
Photo Features: Cindy Mak
Culture and Leisure: Betsy Ng & Alice Leung
People: Alison So & Kayu Wong
Channels: Chloe Chau

Cover photo: Cindy Pat

Electronice edition: Iris Cheng & Keith Yee

Varsity magazine, No. LXXVI, December 2003. Varsity is an award-winning monthly magazine created for the tertiary students and faculty of Hong Kong. It is written, edited and designed by students in the School of Journalism and Communication at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The word varsity, like university, means pertaining to higher education. Varsity is available online at

Editorial Offices: School of Journalism & Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, N.T., Hong Kong.
Telephones: 2609-7680
Fax: 2603-5007
Printer: Asia One Printing Ltd., 1/F Wah Sing Centre, 5 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hone Kong.
