Page 22 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 22


        Examination beds and equipment at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic cum Clinical Teach-
        ing and Research Centre

                  estern medicine has always  According to a survey published by  man of Union of Frontline Chinese
                  been a core element of  the Census and Statistics Department  Medicine Practitioners (Hong Kong).
        WHong Kong’s public medi-           in 2015, almost 90 per cent of the  He notices a serious imbalance in
        cal system. But with the launch of the  population consulted practitioners of  doctor-patient ratio when it comes to
        city’s first Chinese medicine hospital,  Western medicine, whereas less than  traditional Chinese medicine.
        a change of government’s attitude may  18 per cent consulted Chinese medi-  According to Sung, the number of
        turn the tide.                      cine ones.                          Chinese medicine practitioners is now
           Highlighted in the 2018 Policy      “There is an oversupply of human  about 10,000. Although the  popula-
        Address,  Hong  Kong’s first Chinese  resources,” says Sung Chun-kei, chair-  tion size of Western medicine doctors
        medicine hospital will be a “flagship
        institution” for the sector. The govern-
        ment will subsidise certain in-patient           89.3%
        and out-patient services. The 400-bed
        hospital is expected to come into op-         had consulted Western
        eration by phrases from late 2024.            medicine practitioners
           The idea of setting up a Chinese
        medicine hospital first emerged in                                             17.7%
        2014, and a site in Tseung Kwan O was
        reserved for the project.                                                   had consulted Chinese
                                                                                    medicine practitioners
           Utilisation of human resources
           Chinese medicine practitioners
        hope this new facility can help the   Source: Thematic Household Survey Report No. 58 published by the Census and
        industry better utilise its manpower.   Statistics Department in 2015
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