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           andom brings people together.  analysis platform iiMedia Research.
           The entertainment industry can   But in the  meantime,  the  Cyber-
     Fbe a source of strength, happi-    space Administration of China (CAC)
      ness and fond memories for many, as  launched  Qinglang campaign to put
      fans do stars chasing in cyber world,  an end to “chaos” involving online
      physical world and golden age of the  fan clubs on June 15, 2021. The CAC
      world.                             has  banned  five  kinds  of  online  fan
        Our  Periscope section  explores  activities,  such as the  contribution   Our team explores an emerging
      fandom in Hong Kong and China who  of money to idols and manipulation  trend  of  using  emoticons  in  South
      pursue idols in three different worlds.  of social media comments,  drawing  Korea, the initiative of time banks to
      In Hong Kong, youngsters find com-  mixed reactions from the fandom.   build social capital, and the introduc-
      fort in old Cantopop as a wave of nos-  Longing for the golden age of old  tion  of  Cantonese  characters  in  new
      talgia hits, as the city is still clouded  Hong Kong, many youngsters fall  digital typeface designs. Varsity also
      with a gloomy mood due to the pan-  in love with late pop stars like Les-  talks to local  illustrator  Choi Ming-
      demic and political depression. Fans  lie Cheung and Anita Mui, who are  sum, vendors at the Yau Ma Tei Fruit
      of virtual idols in China meanwhile  cultural  symbols  of the  city’s gold-  Market and the French community in
      are growing in number in the cyber  en era. Varsity looks into how these  Hong Kong.
      world, while the Chinese government  Cantopop legends live in youngster’s   Have an enjoyable read!
      has  launched  the  recent  Qinglang  hearts with their intoxicating charms.
      Campaign (清朗行動) to crack down         This issue of Varsity also features
      online fan activities which boost traf-  stories about other various social is-
      fic data for idols in the real world.    sues. For example, the future of Hong
        Virtual  idol  industry is expected  Kong district  council,  cyberbullying
      to grow from RMB ¥3.46 billion (US  and body shaming of youngsters in                       Kelly Yu
      $540 million) in 2020 to RMB¥6.22  China, and the disappearance of femi-        Managing Editor
      billion  (US  $970  million)  this  year,  nism and LGBTQ+ accounts on Chi-
      according to Chinese data mining and  nese social media.

        Varsity Magazine, Issue 160, November 2021
        Editorial Office School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, N. T., Hong Kong
        Contact Telephone: 3743 7680 Fax: 3603 5007 Email:
        Print Regal Printing Limited, 11/F, Wyler Centre Phase 2, 192-200 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, N. T., Hong Kong
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