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                              A middle school student wears the school uniform in Shenzhen.
                                                 (Photo Courtesy of Lily Xie)
                 iddle school student Lily                  “                   reviewed  medical journal,  published
                 Xie experienced bullying                                       a study in July 2019 which mentioned
        Mand body shaming in 2020                 Boys poked                    the level of adolescents’ social media
        due to her  body shape for one year.                                    usage is a significant predictor of their
        The girl is no longer suffering from         my waist                   depression levels. For every addition-
        bullying now because her parents no-                                    al hour of social media use, depres-
        ticed this and got involved.                    with                    sive symptoms of teens will increase
           Xie says slim girls tailor their                                     by two per cent.
        school uniform to make themselves          their pens.                     According to Xie, she was once
        look even slimmer and they post pho-                                    depressed but finally cured due to the
        tos on social media like WeChat or     It really hurts.                 help of her parents.
        Weibo. “I wanted to do what they did                                       Xie points out: “I want to be slim-
        so I bought a smaller size uniform, but             ”                   mer. I want to post my selfies and have
        it did not work for me,” the 14-year-  leave comments to praise their body   many likes as well…just like other
        old girl says.                      shape. But if I post my photos online,   girls who have a slender body shape.
           Xie’s  classmates gave  her  a nick-  I will be a subject of ridicule,” she says.   I want people to stop calling me ‘pig’.”
        name  -  “fat pig”. “Boys poked  my    Xie spends at least 20 hours per    Xie is not alone, not only Chi-
        waist with their pens. It really hurt. I   week on social media platforms to   nese students face this dilemma.
        was afraid and embarrassed, so I just   browse pictures of slim girls and clips   Research conducted by tech writer
        smiled and quickly walked away,” the   about losing weight by bloggers.  Paul Bischoff in 2019 surveyed more
        eighth-grade girl says.                Journal of the American Medical   than 1,000 parents in America and
           “Boys talk about girls’ pictures and   Association (JAMA), a monthly peer-  asked them about whether their chil-
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