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                     ong Pit-man  resigned       As of now, Kwok is the only for-         Those Who Left
                     from her post as Kwai  mer councilor being asked to pay back     Wong is angered by how the gov-
           WTsing district councilor  expenses.                                 ernment has made use of the oath tak-
        on July 9 and is now member of a con-    Kwok stated in a Facebook post  ing procedure to remove elected pro-
        cern group “Tsing Yi People”.       on October 22 that he would continue  democracy councilors.
             “I will continue to actively partic-  to communicate with the Home Af-    “I think this is shameful. It shows
        ipate in social affairs to help connect  fairs Bureau and reserve all legal rights  that the government is unwilling to
        residents in the district,” Wong says.  on this incident. But on November 12  accept opposition and will do every-
             She was one of the 327 pro-de-  he said he left Hong Kong “owing to  thing in their power to eliminate op-
        mocracy district councilors who quit-  personal reasons”, adding he would be  posing views, even when our views
        ted after various local media outlets  back “sometime in the future”.    are solid and reflect public opinion,”
        reported in July that the government     The city’s District Council, envi-  she says.
        might ask them to repay salaries they  sioned as advisory bodies for the gov-    Wong points out it is more chal-
        received if their oath to pledge alle-  ernment at the municipal level, be-  lenging to deal with district affairs
        giance to the Hong Kong government  came a stronghold for the opposition  without the official title of “district
        was declared invalid.               camp following a landslide win in the  councilor”.
             District councilors, same as sen-  2019 elections, which took place at the     “Now we can only focus on gen-
        ior government officials, legislators  height of that year’s anti-government  eral district issues, such as buses be-
        and judges, are required to swear to  protests.                         ing late, instead of being able to take
        uphold the Basic Law and pledge al-      Among the 452 elected coun-    care of resident’s wellbeing, such as air
        legiance to the city to ensure they are  cilors, 389 were from the pro-democ-  conditioning in their flats,” she says.
        sufficiently patriotic following Bei-  racy camp.                           “It is also harder to follow up is-
        jing’s imposition of the national secu-    Only 62 of the pro-democracy  sues. A bus company used to respond
        rity law in June 2020.              councilors remain in the council now.  quickly to our enquiries but now it is
             Wong’s fear of being asked by the  The large number of resignations and  very difficult to get a reply,” she con-
        government to repay salaries and re-  disqualifications means that many dis-  tinues.
        imbursed expenses was proven true.   trict councils have too few members     Wong thinks it is meaningless for
             Kwok Tin-lap, a former Kowloon  to properly function. In the Central  democrats to participate in future dis-
        City district councilor from the Dem-  and Western District Council, where  trict council elections as the govern-
        ocratic Party, who was unseated on  there  were originally 15  councilors,  ment screens candidates basing on
        September 29 after his oath to pledge  only three remain now.           their political beliefs.
        allegiance to the SAR government
        was declared invalid. He revealed on
        October 14 that the Home Affairs Bu-
        reau required him to pay back over
        HK$110,000 worth of expenses.

                                                   Kwok Tin-lap’s Facebook status stating his leaving from
                                                    the post (Screenshot from Kwok Tin-lap’s Facebook)
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