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      dren had experienced cyberbullying.                                  “
      Around 60 per cent of them said yes.
        Shen Yuefei, who has worked in a   The young generations are ‘net natives’.
      middle  school  in  Shenzhen  for  over
      10 years, has observed a similar trend  But their mental development is not ready

      in China.
        “It is worrying to see that teenag-            to handle the cyberworld.
      ers care about their appearance rather                               ”
      than their study. I find that more stu-
      dents nowadays suffer from bullying  birthmark on her right cheek. Other  ment is not ready to handle the cyber-
      and depression because of their body  students called her ‘dinosaur’ instead  world,” says Cheng.
      figure,” she points out.           of her real name. They discussed her   She points out children will lack
                                         appearance in group chats.”         empathy, as they do not see or feel
                                            “The girl had planned to jump from  the pain of others after they have hurt
                                         the second floor of the school building  someone online.
                                         after a boy made fun of her look on   “Social media platform has the re-
                                         WeChat. He posted her photo with in-  sponsibility to protect teenagers from
                                         sulting marks on her face in a group  harmful information like bullying or
                                         chat.  The  student  was  subsequently  violence,” Cheng says, “They should
                                         transferred to a private  school,” she  change their profit-driven algorithms
                                         continues.                          but surely the cost will be high to the
                                            Shen reveals  the  school manage-  social media companies.”
                                         ment offered RMB ¥150,000 to her      The social work professor who
                                         parents and asked them not to speak  focuses her study on mental health
                                         to the media or report to the education  promotion  and media studies  points
                                         bureau.                             out that strengthening media literacy
                                                                             education is necessary.
                                                                               Cheng suggests parents give more
                                                                             attention to their children’s mood
                                                                             swings when they are using social me-
                                                                             dia platforms.
                                                                               “Cutting electronic devices off
        A girl wears the school uni-                                         from children will not be a smart
      form and posts her photos on                   Cheng Qijin             choice especially when teenagers are
      Weibo, a Chinese social media                                          in their rebellious stages,” Cheng says.
                                            Shen’s school set up a unit to han-
      platform.                          dle  students’ mental  issues after  the   “Parents should guide and keep
        According to a journal article is-  incident in September 2012.      their children accompanied when
      sued  on  The Clinical Psychological    “But I have never seen anyone   they  are  using  social  media.  Schools
      Science in November 2017, compared   seeking help from the unit. Schools   should introduce guidelines on surf-
      with adolescents who spend only one   nowadays are trying to  deal with   ing on the internet in their curricu-
      hour per day, those who spend more   these issues in a low-key manner,”   lum,” she says.
      than five hours per day on social me-  says Shen.
      dia have a 66 per cent increased risk of   Cheng Qijin, assistant professor
      suicide-related outcomes.          from  the  social  work  faculty  of  the
        In March 2021, a 15-year-old stu-  Chinese University of Hong Kong,
      dent from Shen’s school attempted su-  believes that social media is one of
      icide after suffering from cyberbully-  the factors that affect teenagers’ men-
      ing and body shaming for more than   tal health.                                  Edit by Vivian CAO
      one year.                             “The young generations are ‘net      Sub-edit by Soweon Park
        Shen recalls: “That girl has a big red   natives’. But their mental develop-
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