Page 16 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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                                                  It’s people who are actually curious

                                                  and wanna know a bit more about

                                                     either Hong Kong or the artists

        the HKTB. Two of their tours were  Tei. Both tours are two of the ap-   something different,” she says. The
        approved in the sixth and seventh  proved products in the non-funded  walking tours, in her opinion, are
        rounds of the scheme in 2016 and  section. “Tourists usually rely on of-  unique experience that formulaic
        2017 respectively.                  ficial travel websites for information,”  travel routines cannot offer. “It’s not
           Launched in 2012, the scheme  Ho  says.  “So  we  try  to  get  ourselves  just people that wanna come and take
        aims to boost Hong Kong’s tourism in-  onto the list of the Tourism Board to  the photo for Instagram,” she says. “It’s
        dustry by offering unique and diverse  get more exposure.”              people who are actually curious and
        travel experiences to tourists. Funded                                  wanna know a bit more about either
        applications will receive marketing       Hong Kong arts stories        Hong Kong or the artists.”
        and  promotion funding support  for    Suyin Haynes is a guide for Central   Candy Hou, founder of Acciden-
        developing new tour products, while  Street Art Tour organised by Acciden-  tal Art, is optimistic about the devel-
        applicants in the non-funded section  tal Art, which organises guided art  opment of local cultural tourism. “I
        will enjoy official promotion of their  tours and other art related events. The  think it will be more and more prom-
        product on the “Explore Hong Kong  Central Street Art Tour features street  ising. Tourists nowadays value unique
        Tours” promotion platform under  arts by Alex Croft, Cleon Peterson, Fin  experience more than shopping,” she
        the HKTB. So far, the scheme has ap-  Dac, Matt Gondek, Cath Love, Elsa  says.
        proved 39 products and attracted the  Jean de Dieu, Rob Sketcherman and
        participation of about 50,000 visitors.   so on. As an expatriate from London,   Unbalanced investment
           “Our Childhood”, one of the  she sees Hong Kong as an unusual city     About 50 per cent of tourists said
        theme-based tours offered by Ho,  with different layers of culture and  they were interested in famous tour-
        features historic housing estates, and  wishes to share her “version of Hong  ist spots, but some expressed their
        “Bloggers Playground” depicts the  Kong” with other visitors.           willingness to learn about other sides
        nostalgic neighbourhood in Yau Ma      “With each tour guide you get  of Hong Kong, according to a report
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