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                                             Andy Lau‘s well-known advertisement promoting quality customer service in Hong Kong
                                                           Screen capture from the Hong Kong Tourism Board promotional video
      than its record last year and way be-  accusing them of lacking courtesy and  named herself as Mary Little Two has
      low the global average of 80.      patience.                           been working in the catering industry
        Meanwhile, the Consumer Coun-                                        for more than a decade. She says res-
      cil  told  Varsity  that  the number  of   Where have all the smiles gone?  taurant workers are under huge pres-
      complaints from Mainland tourists     While visitors say poor customer  sure, as they often have to put up with
      surged by 93 per cent in 2018. Among  service is casting shadows over Hong  customers’ disrespectful behaviour
      the more than 4,000 complaints from  Kong’s image, workers in service in-  and unreasonable demands. Most
      Mainland visitors, over 300 were com-  dustries say intense pressure at work  of them are also frustrated by their
      plaints about “Quality of Services”. In  is hindering them from delivering  heavy workload.
      a survey conducted by PTT, the big-  quality service. Established in 2015,   “Restaurant workers in Hong
      gest online forum in Taiwan, netizens  “The Beggar in the Restaurant” (乞客)  Kong are often considered as ‘Super-
      voted Hong Kong as their most hated  is a Facebook page which has been  men’ considering the amount of work
      city in the world. Taiwanese visitors  posting creative cartoons inspired by  they are loaded with. For example, I
      who joined the poll were upset with  common grievances shared by restau-  often have to take care of a full house
      shop assistants and waiters’ attitude,  rant workers. Page administrator who  of 75 guests with only three other co-
                                                                             workers,” she says.
                     Smiling Score of different regions                         Tsoi Chung-kin, chairman of the
                                                                             Retail and Wholesale Trades Em-
      Ranking     Region                         Score (out of 100)          ployees Association, agrees that over-
      1           United States                  93                          whelming workload has adverse im-
                                                                             pact on service quality.
      2           Bulgaria                       92
                                                                                “Nowadays, man-
      2           Iceland                        92                          power shortage is
      4           Brazil                         91                          a common prob-
                                                                             lem for restau-
      5           Latvia                         90
                                                                             rants. A waiter
      ...                                                                    now is responsi-
                                                                             ble for taking care
      26          Hong Kong                      56
                                                                             of 10 tables of cus-
           Source: Smiling Report 2019 by the Better Business Worldwide      tomers,  compared  Tsoi Chung-kin

                                                              Restaurant workers in Hong

                                                               Kong are often considered

                                                               as “Supermen” considering

                                                                 amount of work they are

                                                                           loaded with

           Many shops in Hong Kong have long business hours
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