Page 20 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 20


    Hong Kong is well known as a “shoppers’ paradise”

                  ang Jiying, a 20-year-old    “Once I entered the restaurant,  to  promote  and encourage  quality
                  Chinese student, who      the waiter told me to step aside if I  customer service in Hong Kong in
        Wstudies in the United              was not ready to make an order,” Lin  2002.  The  tag  line in  the  advertise-
        Kingdom,  travelled to Hong  Kong   says. He was shocked         a n d  ment, “Service like this just isn’t good
        earlier this year. High expectation of   felt unwelcomed.               enough in today’s business environ-
        her Hong Kong visit turned out to be   “It seemed like                  ment”, has become proverbial to every
        very disappointing.                 he  did  not care                   Hongkonger. However, after nearly
           “The service quality in Hong Kong   about losing a                   two decades since the advertisement
        is terrible,” Wang complains after vis-  customer,” he                  was first aired, the city still fails to
        iting  a  restaurant.  “No  one  came  to   says.                       serve tourists with a friendly smile.
                    serve when my friend       Both   Wang                        Hong Kong ranks the fourth low-
                      and I entered a des-  and Lin vow they                    est in the 2019 Smiling Report, a sur-
                        sert restaurant, so   will  never  visit   Lin Shih-hsiung  vey which was compiled based on
                        we  had  no  choice   Hong Kong again.                  assessments of mystery shoppers in
                        but to hail the wait-                                   29 countries and regions. The smile
                        ress.  Shockingly,        Service without a smile       score, from 0 to 100, grades quality of
                        she  responded  by     The government launched a cam-   customer service. Hong Kong’s smile
                      throwing a menu on    paign featuring pop star Andy Lau  score  was  only  56,  10  points  lower
         Wang Ji-ying  the table,” she vividly
           Wang’s bad experience about ser-
        vice quality of restaurants in the city
        was not an isolated case. Lin Shih-hsi-
        ung, a Taiwanese tourist who visited
        Hong Kong two years ago, had similar
        experience at a chain restaurant. He
        says a waiter was very impatient and
        unfriendly when he tried to order his   Neitizens voted Hong Kong as their most hated city in the world in a survery conduct-
        food.                               ed by PTT, the biggest online forum in Taiwan
                                            Screen capture from a discussion of the PTT forum
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