Page 58 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 58


   The “tong laus” in Lee Tung Street were demolished during the redevelopment project and replaced by modern skyscrapers.
                  an  Chai,  one  of  the  busi-  ese (唐樓). Back in those days, visiting  all over the world love to visit the
                  ness districts in Hong  Lee Tung Street for invitation cards of  place especially during festivals when
        WKong, is densely packed  a wedding banquet was a must for the  seasonal decorations fill the pathway
        with skyscrapers and landmarks.  bride and groom-to-be.                 with festive spirits.
        Walking underneath buildings of        In 2005, the Urban Renewal Au-     The outlook of the street seems
        modern architecture in Lee Tung  thority resumed all the property rights  to have improved. However, former
        Street, few people still remember the  of Lee Tung Street and initiated a re-  tenants who were forced to leave and
        past glories of Hong Kong’s printing  vitalisation project. Its  old buildings  gave up their businesses, could not
        industry and the street where it was  were demolished in 2007 and replaced  return to where they belonged. The
        nurtured.                           by newly designed architecture. High-  shop rents in Lee Tung Avenue have
           During the 1950s, Lee Tung Street  class boutiques, specialty shops, res-  soared after the renewal. Most of the
        was a street famous for printing and  taurants, cafés and hotels moved in  shops are luxury chain stores selling
        manufacturing of wedding cards. It  and became the new occupants.       cookware, accessories and cosmetics,
        is why the street was also known as    Lee Tung Street, renamed as Lee  or restaurants offering Japanese and
        “Wedding Card Street”. Printing shops  Tung Avenue after its remake, has be-  French  gourmets  without  any rela-
        lined up along the sideways in tene-  come a popular tourist spot, for Insta-  tions to the wedding card business.
        ment houses or “tong laus” in Canton-  grammers in particular. People from   Target customers of the street have
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