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      that matters, but the attitude and les-  The shop has been a great success,   plan ahead before travelling instead of
      sons learnt.”                      attracting over 6,000 followers on   leaving without any preparation.”
                                         Instagram. But Siuming says she has    Siuming is ready to start a new
            A Bowl of Compassion         never thought of expanding the busi-  phase of life. She will soon embark on
        By coincidence, Siuming met the  ness. “I prefer doing it on my own and   another  journey  in South  America,
      founder of “A Bowl of Compassion”,  I don’t want to put too much pressure   where she plans to stay for around
      a charity which builds schools in In-  on myself,” she says.           three months. Siuming’s travelling
      dia, during her journey. The school   A portion of the revenue from the   story… to be continued.
      built by the charity is located next to  online  shop  is  shared  between  two
      a hostel where backpackers drop by  schools in India – “A Bowl of Compas-
      to teach students voluntarily. She was  sion” and “The Flowers of Lakshmi”,
      one of those enthusiastic volunteers.  for their development and renovation.
      Siuming did not think of leaving the   “I think that what I am doing now       Edited by Sam Kwong
      students behind until she decided to  celebrates the value of sharing which             & Valerie Wan
      head back to Hong Kong.            is  also  relevant  to  social  services,”
        After her year-long journey, she  she says. Her work has made impact
      decided to  return  to  Hong  Kong  to  on the vulnerable ones by provid-
      find a job. She chose not to become  ing them education. With the help
      a social worker, though she was a so-  of Siuming, the two schools in India
      cial work major graduate. She believes  are now well-developed. She is now
      that it is not what she really wants.  planning to share some of her revenue
        Instead, she brought another  with an orphanage in Nepal.
      HK$20,000 with her and flew back to   As an experienced wanderer, Siu-
      India. She purchased some traditional  ming encourages teenagers who like
      handmade scarves from some Indian  travelling to be brave and give it a try.
      suppliers and sold them in her online  “However, we have to strike a bal-
      shop called “Wish You Were Here”.  ance  between expectations and  real-
      Her shop now also sells goods made  ity,” she says. She acknowledges that
      by people in other developing coun-  some people may need to take care
      tries such as Nepal.               of their families. “We actually need to

         I prefer doing it

        on my own and I

        don’t want to put

       too much pressure

              on myself

                                                                                    Siuming travelled to Pakistan last year
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