Page 54 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 54


                                               Siuming volunteered for A Bowl of Compassion to help children in Bodhgaya, India

           n a hectic city where everyone  be interviewed by media outlets,” she  embrace the idea of backpacking to
           works overtime for a living, she  recalls. “I did a lot of things back then  broaden her horizons.
        Ichooses not to have a full-time job  such as suing the policeman involved   Upon graduation, Siuming began
        but to wander around. Ho Kit-ming,  in the case and giving the public an  travelling. With only a backpack and
        also known as Siuming, 27, spent  account of the incident.” She found  a one-way ticket to Lhasa, Tibet, she
        more than a year away from the hustle  it hard to handle harsh comments  kicked off her life-changing journey as
        and bustle of Hong Kong to discover  circulating on different social media  a wanderer. “I told myself that I would
        meanings of life through travelling.  platforms. “Some netizens mocked  go home after I had spent all my mon-
                                            me as a ‘prostitute’ just because of my  ey, which was around HK$20,000,”
         Protester demanding social justice  little tattoo.” She could not bear such  she says. “The less I spend, the longer
           Born and raised in a single-parent  stress, and gradually she becomes less  my journey would be.”
        family, Siuming and her sister, Willis,  engaged in social movements.     Backpacking is gaining popularity
        are passionate in helping the vulner-                                   among young adults in recent years.
        able in society. They joined several   Wandering around the globe       There is an increasing trend of young-
        social movements between 2009 and      At 21, Siuming broke up with her  sters travelling alone to less developed
        2013, when they were university stu-  ex-boyfriend. She then travelled to  countries. Siuming believes every-
        dents. However, an unpleasant experi-  Cambodia alone for a two-week soul  one has their own ways to travel. She
        ence stopped Siuming from staying in  searching trip, hoping to recover from  thinks the genuine meaning of “trav-
        the front line.                     the breakup. In a youth hostel, she met  elling” depends on what one gains and
           During a protest in 2013, Sium-  a Canadian backpacker who had been  learns during a journey. “In the past,
        ing was spotted to be “back-hugged”  travelling abroad for three years. After  I would insist on travelling overland
        by a policeman. “It was quite stressful.  listening to his enlightening story, she  with a backpack.” She now has a dif-
        I had to hold a press conference and  felt amazed. Since then, she began to  ferent view: “It is not the way I travel
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