Page 46 - 155 Varsity ebook
P. 46

44 / Our Community

        Debate over

        Debating Politics

        Schools pull out of a debate contest after a Chinese
        state media has raised an outcry over debate motions

        which they call “politically sensitive”

        By Fiona Cheung & Gloria Wei

              wenty-six schools, about one-fifth of the partici-
              pating teams, withdrew from the Hong Kong Sec-
        Tondary  School  Debate  Competition  after  debate
        motions related to anti-Extradition Law Amendment
        Bill (anti-ELAB) movement sparked controversy in late
        December last year.
           The action came after Ta Kung Pao, the state news-                                    Raymond Chan
        paper, criticised contest organiser of “brainwashing stu-                                  Chi-chuen
        dents” in a news article dated December 20, 2019, with
        a title “Education fails, Interschool Debate Contest be-
        comes a means of Brainwashing Students”. (教育病了 |
        縱暴派辦學界賽 假辯論真洗腦)

                                                                           Controversy over Debate Motions
                                                                              “Not  everything  is  suitable  to  be  a
                                                                           debate motion,” says Ho Hon-kuen, the
                                                                           chairman of Education Convergence, a
                                                                           pro-government organisation, when in-
                                                                           terviewed by Ta Kung Pao in the news ar-
                                                                           ticle. He thinks some of the motions have
                                                                           wrong presumption which may radical-
                                                                           ise students’ thoughts.
                                                                              Debate motions like “Hongkongers
                                                                           should fight for Hong Kong independ-
                                                                           ence” and “Restructuring the police
                                                                           force does more good than harm to Hong
                                                                           Kong” are denounced by Hong Kong Fed-
                                                                           eration of Education Workers (HKFEW),
         An article in Ta Kung Pao accuses the debate contest is brainwashing   a pro-Beijing teachers’ union, accusing
         students. (Source: Ta Kung Pao)
                                                                           the  organiser of  proposing inappropri-
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