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46 / Our Community

        the  schools’  decision  to withdraw.
        “No school should be exposed to
        such  pressure  for doing  something
        that has long been a major part of
        education,” the statement reads.
           HKSDF refuses to self-censor de-
        bate motions amid severe criticisms
        made by the state media outlet and
        pro-Beijing teachers’ organisations.
        “We try our best to explain our val-
        ues and ideas of the debate contest,”
        HKSDF writes in a reply, “We will
        keep doing all of these.”

           Everything Is Debatable          Statement from Education Convergence about the politicisation of debate contest.
                                            (Photo courtesy of Education Convergence)
           A secondary school debater who
        addresses herself as Jose is one of the  some topics might touch on politics.  intellectual discussion.
        participants of the Hong Kong Sec-  “Nothing is absolute after all. Any-  “For example, discussing  police
        ondary School Debate competition.  thing can be a debate motion,” says  disbandment does not only target on
        The Form Five student finds the  Jose.                                 police brutality, the discussion also
        “brainwashing” accusation made by      Another student who identifies  covers other related issues such as
        Ta Kung Pao ridiculous. “We have  herself  as Ann was one of  the par-  the impact on governance and over-
        the affirmative side and the negative  ticipants of the Hong Kong Second-  seas experience,” she says, “We don’t
        side in a debate, so I do not see how  ary School Debate Competition. Her  simply argue on police brutality but
        we can be brainwashed,” Jose says.   school was one of the 24 schools  we have to discuss issues like power
           Jose started joining debate com-  which decided to pull out from the  vacuum with examples from foreign
        petition five years ago. She thinks  contest. Students were not consulted  countries.”
        debate motions adopted by HKSDF  and were only informed about the
        are timely and “more grounded”.     decision afterwards.                 Debating Politics at Schools
           “Many debate motions have been      “It is our freedom to choose       The political storm over the de-
        used many times in other competi-   whether to join the competition  bate contest not only affects partici-
        tions and we even call them ‘motion  or not,” Ann says, expressing her  pating schools. A secondary school
        of all ages’,” Jose says, “The debate  disapproval of being forced to quit  which did not take part in the com-
        topics selected by HKSDF are about  the event. “I feel like we are being  petition received a letter from the
        current  affairs  which  are  really  suppressed  and  the opportunity of  Education Bureau due to parents’
        worth discussing.”                  participating in the match is taken  complaints about some interschool
           As Jose is looking for opportuni-  away,” she adds.                 activities which were perceived to
        ties to discuss more “innovative”      Equipped with three years of de-  be held in favour of the anti-ELAB
        topics, she shares her view that  bating experience, Ann cites debate  movement by parents. A teacher
        everything is worth debating. She  motion such as police disbandment  who identifies himself as Keefe was
        thinks debate motions cover all  as an example to explain how the  the organiser of a friendly debate
        kinds of topics and it is natural that  topic can help students develop an  competition.
                                                                                  Since some debate motions of
                                          “                                    the friendly match touched on po-
                   Nothing is absolute after all.                              litical topics, Keefe also received a
                                                                               letter from the Education Bureau, re-
                Anything can be a debate motion                                questing him to explain motives be-
                                                                               hind the match and the motion, the
                                                                               number of participants and whether
                                          ”                                    alumni were involved.
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