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        Concerns  from parents,  school  but then I notice some consequences  discuss politics is in fact politicising
      management, sponsoring body of  cannot be borne by myself.” He had  schools. “The Education Bureau is
      the school and his colleagues were  no choice but finally compromised  the one which politicises schools by
      aroused  when  Keefe was  preparing  – no political topics when setting  banning certain ideas such as Hong
      to organise the match. He realised a  debate motions in future competi-  Kong independence to be discussed.
      political storm might have been trig-  tions.                          This limits students’ thoughts. It is
      gered even if he had kept the match   Keefe believes it is hard to brain-  the bureau which brings politics to
      low-profile to avoid public atten-  wash students simply by debate mo-  schools,” Keefe says.
      tion. People around him might also  tions. “Students can have their own
      be affected if the match continued.   stance,” he says, “and their stance  Prospect of Students Debating
        “I realise things are beyond con-  does not have to be the same as the   A  debate  coach  of  a  secondary
      trol once they are related to politics,”  stance they are assigned to in a com-  school surnamed Wong, who refus-
      Keefe  says,  “I  tell  my  school  I  am  petition.”                  es to disclose his full name, worries
      willing to bear any consequences      He believes forbidding students to  criticisms over debating politics will


                                                                             The future develop-
                                                                              ment depends very

                                                                               much on whether
                                                                             debaters uphold the

                                                                              value of searching
                                                                                      for truth


      Statement from Hong Kong Schools Debate Federation (HKSDF) issued in Decem-
      ber.  (Photo courtesy of HKSDF)

      affect future development of debate  ing.”                             with unbiased and pluralistic views
      training in secondary schools.         Concerning the controversial de-  since late August 2019, but refused
        The school he works for also par-  bate motions, the Education Bureau  to  provide  an  exact  number of  no-
      ticipated in the Hong Kong Second-  says in an email reply, “Many of the  tices or letters issued to teachers and
      ary School Debate Competition.     motions are related to the current so-  school upon enquiry.
        “I think the future of students   cial incidents with a slanted angle of
      debating is definitely going to be  topics. It makes people suspect that
      harder in Hong Kong,” says Wong,  there is a strong propagandistic pur-
      “The future development depends  pose.”
      very much on whether debaters up-     The bureau sent notices to vari-        Edited by Tiffany Chong
      hold the value of searching for truth  ous schools, stating the basic princi-
      as we say everything is worth debat-  ples of teaching controversial issues   Sub-edited by Lambert Siu
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