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             ylie Wong goes to Shenz- blueberries and food at a cheaper
             hen for grocery shopping  price in Shenzhen and then carries       “I loved shopping in Costco
     Kin giant supermarkets al- them back to Hong Kong.                      when I was studying in America.

                                                                             It’s great that there is a branch in
      most every two weeks.

 S SHOPPING IN                              “The cost of living in Hong  Shenzhen!” Lu, who lives in Mong

        “I really enjoy shopping in  Kong is very high. I prefer doing  Kok, says.
      Shenzhen. I used to go there once  my grocery shopping in Shenzhen
   a month. Now I go to Shenzhen  as the quality of products is the
                                                                                He finds that some daily neces-
         SHENZHEN  more than two times a month af- same as those in Hong Kong, but  sities and food in the giant super-
                                                                             market are cheaper.
      ter the opening of Costco,” the  they are much cheaper,” she says.
      32-year-old woman says.
                                                                                “A piece of cake in Hong Kong
                                            “Buying food is a good deal as
        Wong goes shopping in Shenz- large-sized packages are available.  costs HK$50 (US$6.39), but I can
      hen for cheaper food and daily ne- Although houses in Hong Kong  buy a whole cake at the same price
      cessities such as bread, yoghurt, and  are very small, I still try to stock up  in Shenzhen,” he says.
      fruits even though it takes two hours  on as much food as possible,” she
      from her home to the supermar- says.                                      “Although I haven’t tried the
      ket.                                                                                                                                                                                             taste here yet, I will probably buy
        “I  usually  spend RMB¥1,500        Lu Mao-ting also loves grocery  it  again  because  of  this  price,”  he
      (US$207.54) on food and fresh  shopping  in  Shenzhen  even  if  it  adds.
      meat. It costs me twice the price if  takes him about an hour and a half
      I buy them in Hong Kong,”          to get there from his home.            According to the Hong Kong
        she says.                                                            Immigration Department, 53.34
        She buys fruit like strawberries,                                    million Hong Kong residents trav-
                                                                             elled to mainland China, with over
                                                                             40 million leaving through the
                                                                             Shenzhen Hong Kong port in 2023.

                                                                                Opened on January 12, 2024,
                                                                             Costco has launched some pro-
                                                                             motional campaigns to draw more
                                                                             crowds to the supermarket.

                                                                                “The original annual member-
                                                                             ship fee is RMB¥299 (US$41.37)
                                                                             but there was a discount before the
                                                                             opening of Costco that it took only
                                                                             RMB¥199 (US$27.53) between
                                                                             September 2023 and January 12,
                                                                             2024,”  the  sales  manager  of  the
                                                                             mega  supermarket  surnamed Wu

                                                                                About  90,000  customers  ap-
                             Products in shopping Cart.                      plied for membership online be-
                               ducts in shopping Car
                           (Photo c
                           (Photo courtesy by Emma Wei)
                                        y Emma Wei)
                                      y b
                                                                             fore the supermarket was open,
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