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                niversity student Shay Xie   zhen every weekend.               compared with RMB ¥20 (US $2.77)
                Chengxi, who lives in Fan-                                     across the border,” Shangguan says.
        Uling, goes to Shenzhen with           “Dining out is the highlight of my
        his friends every weekend.          week. I choose to go to Shenzhen to   “If you want a fine haircut at a
                                            spend money because of cheaper  high-end salon, it costs RMB ¥300-
           “I  go  to  Shenzhen  for  a  day  of   cost and better quality of service,” the  400 (US $41.47-55.29) in Hong Kong.
        fun. It costs me about RMB ¥300 (US   23-year-old student says.        But it only costs about RMB ¥100 (US
        $41.47) to watch a movie, dine out and                                 $13.82)  in  mainland  China.  Colour-
        sing Karaoke. If I do the same things  “You can get a delicious meal with   ing and perming are also more ex-
        in Hong Kong, it probably costs me  two to three dishes in Shenzhen    pensive in Hong Kong. And the skills
        RMB ¥500 (US $69.11),” the 23-year- for RMB ¥40-50 (US $5.53-6.91)     of hair stylists in Shenzhen are much
        old student says.                   if you order takeout, and it usually   better,” he adds.
                                            only costs RMB ¥100 (US $13.82)
           Shay shares that a hotpot meal   if you go to a restaurant. But in     Apart from cheaper spending on
        with five people in Shenzhen costs   Hong Kong, it costs you RMB       food and services, university students        Entertainment of Mahjong in Shenzhen
                                                                                                                                 tainment of Mahjong in Shenzhen
        about RMB ¥100 (US $13.82) per      ¥150-200 (US $20.73-27.65) for     also flock to Shenzhen for leisure ac-
        head, which is half the price of a meal                                tivities.
        in Hong Kong.                       dining in,” he says.
                                                                                  University student Ivy Shi Yuhan
           “In Hong Kong a hotpot meal costs   “About  the  quality  of  service,  visits Shenzhen at least once a week
        at least RMB ¥200 (US $27.65). Pric-  there’s usually no time limit for dining  and sometimes stays overnight there.
        ing is a strong reason for me to go   in Shenzhen, and the waiters are more
        to Shenzhen. Also, I eat cuisine that   polite,” he adds.                 “I usually go to Shenzhen to join
        I cannot find in Hong Kong, such as                                    role-play games, sing karaoke, play
        Xinjiang food like charcoal grilled    Other than eating out, Shangguan  board games, have a massage or a
        beef and lamb,” he says.            also has his hair cut once a month in  drink with friends,” she says.
           Another university student, Felix                                      According to the data provided
        Shangguan Yuqian, also goes to Shen-   “A simple haircut in Hong Kong  by the Dianping app, the per capita
                                            costs RMB ¥60-70 (US $8.29-9.68),  consumption of entertainment activi-
                                                                               ties such as Live Action Role Playing
                                                                               (LARP) games, escape room games,
                                                                               KTVs, board game parlours, and
                                                                               massage shops in Hong Kong cost
                                                                               RMB ¥50-200 (US $6.91-27.65), while
                                                                               the price is RMB ¥30-150 (US $4.15-
                                                                               20.73) in Shenzhen.

                                                                                   “Dining out is the
                                                                                highlight of my week.
                                                                                   I choose to go to
                                                                                  Shenzhen to spend
                                                                                  money because of
                                                                                   cheaper cost and
                                                                                    better quality of

                  Hotpot cuisine enjo yed in Shenzhen that is cheaper than Hong K ong
                  Hotpot cuisine enjoyed in Shenzhen that is cheaper than Hong Kong
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