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10 / Periscope

         and Hong Kong applicants count                                        Hong Kong.
         for 10 percent.
                                                                                  “Fewer customers are coming
            The total revenue of Costco’s                                      to  our  branches  after  Costco  has
         six branches in China reached                                         opened, especially during week-
         RMB¥57.8 billion (US$7.99 bil-                                        ends,” Suen says.
         lion) in the first quarter of 2024,
         according to Costco China finan-                                         “There is no significant change
         cial report.                                                          in the sale volume of vegetables
                                                                               and fresh meat, but daily necessi-
            “We have also launched some                                        ties and cooked food show a down-
         products with Cantonese charac-                                       ward trend,” she says.
         teristics that cater to the tastes of
         Hong Kong people. For example,                                           Associate Professor Bai Ying
         a vacuum package of a popular                                         from the Department of Econom-
         dish from Guangzhou Restaurant.                                       ics  at  the Chinese  University  of
         The convenient packaging allows                                       Hong Kong believes that the open-
         Hong Kong customers to enjoy                                          ing of giant supermarkets such as
         food at home when they want to,”                                      Costco and Sam’s in Shenzhen will
         Wu says.                                                              influence Hong Kong’s economy in
                                          Filled shopping cart in Costco, Shenzhen. (Photo  the long run.
                                          Filled shopping car
                                                        t in C
                                                               o, Shenzhen. (Photo
                                                           f Emma Wei)
                                                         y o
            Marketing Manager Annie                courtesy of Emma Wei)
         Suen of Wellcome Supermarket                                             “The opening of those mega
         admits that Costco’s opening in                                       supermarkets has  helped some
         Shenzhen has affected business in                                     Hong Kong residents cut down liv-
                                                                               ing costs. Looking ahead, this will
                                                                               make the local economy decline,”
                                                                               Bai says.
                                                                                  He points out that the biggest
                                                                               factor  affecting  consumption  is
                                                                               price but the problem cannot be
                                                                               solved in Hong Kong easily  be-
                                                                               cause of the sky-high rent.

                                                                                  “The    competition    between
                                                                               Hong Kong and the mainland
                                                                               China markets can also be com-
                                                                               plimentary to each other leading
                                                                               to better products and services,” he

                                                                                           Edited By Nicole Li &
                                                                                           Edited By Nicole Li &
                                                                                                     Perry Kwok
                                                                                                     Perry Kwok
                Costco queuing scence. (Photo courtesy of Emma Wei)
                C ost c o queuing s cence. (Photo c our tes y o f Emma Wei)
                                                                                      Sub-edited by Cynthia Hu
                                                                                      Sub-edited by Cynthia Hu
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