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                                               02                                                          03

                                           not those she usually opts for.
                                              And though supporting the campaign, she says she has to be pragmatic. “I
                                           will not boycott the shops completely, but I will reduce my spending at these
                                           shops. If there are no other choices available, I would still shop there,” says
                                              Like the takeaway eatery owner and Sin, Chau is doubtful about the sus-
                                           tainability of the boycott movement as she sees chain stores like Yoshiyona
                                           and other Hong Kong franchises owned by Maxim’s are winning their cus-
                                           tomers back. “The phenomenon reflects the ‘forgetful’ characteristic of Hong
                                           Kong people, hence the shop owners will just ignore the movement,” Chau
                                                                                  Edited by Scarlet Shiu

      student says, as she thinks it is shame-
      ful not to support the anti-ELAB move-
      ment with a comparatively laid-back
        “I understand that a lot of peaceful
      protesters would have their own con-
      cerns and they may not be able to take
      to the streets anymore. However, par-
      ticipating in the shop boycott move-
      ment is already the most minimal de-
      gree of resistance, then [we] should at
      least try our best to do it,” she adds.
        A secondary school student, who                                                   Top: People connect-
      names herself Miss Chau, sees the                                                   ing paper booking
      shop boycott movement in a differ-                                                  slips of a restaurant
      ent way. She thinks her daily spend-                                                into a long string in a
      ing pattern is partially affected by the                                            Shop Boycott Event on
      campaign. She boycotts businesses                                                   September 29;
                                                                                          Bottom: People stick-
      that are publicly criticised or insulting                                           ing flyers on the facade
      protesters on social media platforms,                                               of a restaurant owned
      but most shops in the boycott list are                                              by the Maxim’s.
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