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                                                                              followers on Facebook and having
                                                                              over  1.3 million views on their on-
                                                                              line posts, organisers of Bye Buy Day
                                                                              HK are confident their campaign can
                                                                              raise public awareness that political
                                                                              agenda can be influenced through
                                                                              their consumption. “Many support-
                                                                              ers told us they have started to mini-
                                                                              mise their spending already. In par-
                                                                              ticular, when we first held our booth
                                                                              near Windsor in Causeway Bay dur-
                                                                              ing the August 18 protest to promote
                                                                              our campaign, many middle-aged
                                                                              men and women expressed their sup-
                                                                              port to us,” the representative of Bye
                                                                              Buy Day HK says.
                                                                                 Embracing the concept of dollar
                                                                              voting, the campaign does not urge
                                                                              supporters to avoid consumption
                                                                              completely but simply minimise un-
                                                                              necessary purchases. Dollar voting
                                                                              accentuates the power of consumers
                                                                              to determine resources allocation of
                                                                              business, which in turn also influenc-
                                                                              es the rise and fall of business under
                                                                              conscious selection of products from
                                                                              companies based on certain crite-
                                                                              ria. “All we’re calling for is a reason-
                                                                              able, but not a radical change in their
                                                                              spending patterns,” the representa-
                                                                              tive emphasises.

                                                                                       Emergence of
                                                                                    “ethical businesses”
                                                                                 While some shops are snubbed,
                                                                              shops supporting the anti-ELAB
                                                                              movement see the fruit through the
                                                                              boycott campaign - customers began
           “We believe that consumers have the power to steer and shape our fu-  to support these ‘ethical businesses’
        ture economy or even the political system,” a representative of Bye Buy   by consuming more. Hungry Dino, a
        Day HK who declines to reveal his name explains. “People can choose to   takeaway eatery established in early
        support businesses that                                               June, becomes one of the businesses
        share their political opin-                                           hailed  by  netizens  as  ‘ethical  busi-
        ions. This way, businesses       We believe that con-                 ness’ after the shop owners decided to
        will know that they need   sumers have the power to                   give out free meals to protesters. The
        to have conscience and                                                owners, however, did not expect their
        align themselves with  steer and shape our fu-                        own political stance would  receive
        people’s view in order to   ture economy or even the                  any public attention,
        prosper.”                                                                Tim Law Kin-sun and Tracy Tang
           Reaching  over  27,000   political system.                         So-lan, the co-founders of Hungry
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