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                                          Reading News

               beyond the Firewall

                                      Mainland students who study outside the Great Firewall of
                                            China have different news consumption habits which

                                                       influence their views on Hong Kong protests

                                                                                        By Regina Chan

                                                   e are what we eat. We are      Different news media
                                                   what we read. Access to         tell different stories
                                         Winformation,            especially    Chloe, a mainland student who is
                                         when Hong Kong is caught in politi-  currently studying in Hong Kong, says
                                         cal turmoil, is more important than  some mainlanders, especially those
                                         ever before. As the movement sparked  who have higher education levels and
                                         by the anti-extradition bill continues,  can bypass the firewall, are trying to
                                         news consumers are hooked to screens  gather more information to read be-
                                         for information about protests on the  fore making judgments.
                                         front line.                            Chloe says when the protest start-
                                            When most assume that Main-      ed in June, many mainland students
                                         landers who mostly take Chinese so-  in Hong Kong were actually quite
                                         cial media platforms such as WeChat  supportive of  the movement. They
                                         and Weibo, where politically sensitive  also shared the news from different
                                         topics are heavily censored, as news  sources about the protests with their
                                         sources probably take a stand against  friends.
                                         the ongoing movement in Hong Kong,     “These  Mainlanders  think  they
                                         there  are  actually  many  who try to  have the responsibility to spread veri-
                                         read news beyond the Great Firewall  fied information [about what is hap-
                                         of China.                           pening in Hong Kong],” says Chloe. “I
                                            The Great Firewall of China is a  also have many friends living in China
                                         surveillance and censorship system  who are familiar with this city and try
                                         with the aim of ensuring discussions  to tell other people about the move-
                                         on China’s Internet are all topics ap-  ment.”
                                         proved by the Chinese government.      Though many no longer support
                                            Varsity  interviewed  some  main-  the movement due to escalating vio-
                                         land students who are currently stud-  lent clashes, they are aware that dif-
                                         ying in Hong Kong or abroad to learn  ferent news sources are feeding news
                                         about their news consuming habits.  consumers very different stories.
                                         All of them decline to reveal their full   Chloe says she is in the habit of
                                         names for fear of getting into trouble  reading news on Weibo and some
                                         when they go back to mainland China.  bloggers on this social media site post
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