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                    confident that the scheme                               also says the Youth Development Com-
                    can help enhance com-                                   mission are working hard on strength-
                    munication  between                                     ening the communication between the
                    the youth and the                                       government and the youth.
                    government.  Howev-                                        Ma Ngok, Associate Professor of the
                    er, he  thinks merely                                   Department of Government and Public
                    counting on the MSSY                                    Administration at CUHK is sceptical of
                    alone  is  not enough to                                the MSSY. He points out that members
                    increase the number     Noel   Shih                     of the MSSY can hardly make a real im-
                    of young people in the                                  pact on the government’s policy-mak-
                    government.                                             ing process. “These advisory boards are
                       According to the Home Affairs Bu-                    outdated. They have no say
                    reau statistics, the MSSY has recruited   Not even      in policy making, not to
                    a total of 51 members out of some 4,000   adults        mention adding one or
      Screenshots   applicants since the launch of the   have a say         two young persons in
      of the MSSY   scheme in 2017. Shih believes the gov-                  them, “Ma explains.
      Promotion-    ernment should also offer other oppor-  in policies,       Ma is also pessi-
      al Videos     tunities for young people to take part                  mistic  about  candid
      Source:       in policy discussion.                  let alone        dialogue promised by
      the Home         “They (applicants of the MSSY) are                   the government.” The
      Affairs                                             the youth                                   Ma Ngok
      Bureau’s      passionate young people who want to                     government is not listen-
      website       contribute... the government can form                   ing  to  the  people.  The
                    focus groups with these passionate                      claims they make are just shows. Not
                    applicants who cannot pass the inter-                   even adults have a say in policies, let
                    views,” Shih suggests.                                  alone the youths,” Ma says.

                          Flogging a dead horse
                       Matthew    Cheung    Kin-chung,
                    Chief  Secretary  for Administration                       Edited by Ada Chung &
                    and Chairman of the Youth Develop-
                    ment Commission, says on his blog on                                   Jasmine Ling
                    September  29, that “Connecting with
                    Youth is a crucial part of the govern-
                    ment’s attitude on policy.” Besides, he
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