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44 / Our Community

           Volunteers of Safeguard the Children bring full sets of equipment to every protest, including their yellow vests, helmets, goggles and masks.

        lar senior volunteer hobbling along   action among protesters during the   “We might not be able to change
        the street with a cane. “What moti-  past several months.               their political opinions which have
        vates the silver-haired to watch out   Cody, a member of Part Time Gwai  been deeply rooted in their head. But
        for the young at the front lines when   Suen, who declines to reveal his full  [we] hope that [the workshops] can at
        some of them might even have knee   name, thinks traditional smartphone  least help them read more,” he says.
        problems?”                          workshops held  by political parties   According to a survey published
                                            cannot help the elderly to connect  by the Chinese University of Hong
                    Resolving               with the youth as they are only taught  Kong (CUHK)’s Centre for Communi-
             generational differences       to use some old-fashioned social me-  cation and Public Opinion Survey in
                Apart from standing with young   dia apps such as Facebook, which is  early August, about one fifth   o  f
        protesters  on  the  front lines,  some   not popular among young users.   the respondents aged
        silver hairs have also made great ef-  The  18-year-old student observes  55 and above said
        fort to learn about mobile technology   that many old people receive infor-  that they thought
        which is widely used by protesters to   mation about the protests by reading  LIHKG, an online
        organise themselves in this leaderless   posters on “Lennon Walls”- commu-  forum similar to
        movement. They try to understand    nity message boards set up by move-  Reddit where us-
        games rules of the virtual world by   ment supporters who leave notes and  ers exchanged their
        using messaging apps and figuring   leaflets on walls in different neigh-  ideas on protest devel-
        out meaning of buzzwords commonly   bourhoods across the city to express  opments  and  posted   Michael Chan
                   used in online discussion   their support for the pro-democracy  calls to action, was   Che-ming
                      forums.               movement and inform the public
                          In a bid to help   about what is happening. Cody says
                       the    silver-haired  the older generation have limited ac-
                       community better     cess to social media platforms due to
                       understand what the   their lack of knowledge about the use
                      young protesters are   of e-devices.
                     thinking, a group of stu-  Cody says he once met a pro-
           Cody       dents initiated a cam-  government man who attended a
                      paign called Part Time   workshop held by Part Time Gwai
        Guai Suen  (一班乖孫), or “part-time    Suen. The old man has a smartphone
        grandchildren” in Chinese, this June.   which is the latest model, but he did
        They organise workshops to teach the   not know how to use the gadget his
        elderly how to use social media plat-  children bought him. Cody thinks the
        forms which play a significant role in   young should reach out more to the
        facilitating communication and inter-  silver-haired regardless of differences
                                            in political views.
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