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40 / Our Community

        announced.                                                                       gual version except a  few
           Amid the on-going protests triggered by           The government              in English/Chinese only in
        the anti-extradition bill movement, on Sep-                                      order to follow the market
        tember  26, Lam had a face-to-face commu-  should have done this a               trend,” the bureau says in a
        nity dialogue with Hong Kong citizens at       long time ago                     written reply.
        Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Wan Chai. Yet,                                           Rahman has just start-
        protesters who are mostly young people re-                                       ed her position for two
        main discontented. Protests continue.                                            weeks when she was in-
                                                                             terviewed, but she has already observed
                        Come way too late                                    some advantages of the MSSY. “I have ac-
           Another member of the MSSY and an activist for eth-               cess to politicians like Matthew Cheung
        nic minorities’ rights issues in Hong Kong, Lamia Sreya              Kin-chung (Chief Secretary for Adminis-
        Rahman says it is too late for the government to engage              tration) and Yeung Yun-hung (Secretary
        the young people. “The government should have done                   for Education),” Rahman says. And she is
        this (integrating youth in the government) a long time               confident that the officials will incorpo-
                     ago,” she says.                                         rate her advice in the policy, though she
                          Rahman joined the MSSY in Decem-                   reckons it might be a slow process.
                         ber 2018 and is now a member of the                    Rahman also points out there is still
                         Committee on the Promotion of Ra-                   a lack of sufficient young voices in the
                         cial Harmony. Rahman underwent a                    council  that  she  is serving.  Taking  the
                         selection procedure which includes                  Committee on the Promotion of Racial
                        an application process, a group inter-               Harmony as an example, other than the
                        view, and an individual interview.                   two MSSY participants, the rest of the
          Lamia Sreya                                                        members are either government officials
            Rahman         Lack of Representativeness        9 % to 15 %     or adults with professional experience.
                          Recalling the group interview, Rah-  The government   Therefore, Rahman thinks the Commit-
        man is shocked to find herself to be the only ethnic mi-  targets to raise   tee cannot fully represent the younger
        nority candidate. “People are having conversation about   the proportion of   generation of the ethnic minority.
                                                              youth members
        us (ethnic minorities) but without us,” exclaims Rahman,   aged 18 to 35 in
        “they don’t even know about the problem.”             the 2018 Policy         More young voices
           It turns out that many of her friends who are also                          need to be heard
        vocal in ethnic minorities issues are not aware of the    51            The government still has a long way
        scheme. Rahman points out while there are promotions   members       to make the councils more youthful.
        for the MSSY, most of the promotional materials such as   were recruited in   According to the  2018 Policy Address,
                                                              the MSSY out of
        posters are in Chinese. It makes ethnic minorities diffi-  4,000 applicants   the government targets to raise the pro-
        cult to gain access to information.                   since the launch   portion of youth members aged 18 to 35
                                                              of the scheme in
           The Home Affairs Bureau is contacted upon the issue.   2017       from 9 per cent up to 15 per cent.
        “Most of these publicity measures are delivered in bilin-               President of YoungDAB, Noel Shih, is
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