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                                                                             While people in western countries
                                                                          have been using art as a tool to express
                                                                          their views for many years, a local
                                                                          graffiti artist Pantone C thinks it is quite
                                                                          difficult for Hong Kong to develop a
                                                                          culture like foreign countries. He thinks
                                                                          that graffiti and street art can only be a
                                                                          scratch since the artworks are usually
                                                                          quickly removed. However, Pantone
                                                                          C supports what the people are doing.
                                                                          “This is a rebellious action, yet I don’t
                                                                          think there is any problem with it. It’s
                                                                          just like people using different ways
                                                                          to protest and express their discontent
                                                                          towards the government. Street art and
                                                                          stencilling are more contagious than
                                                                          simply writing down slogans on the
                                                                          walls,” Pantone C says. “It is easy to
                                                Midnight Glue’s graffiti   write words using colour spray, but it is
                                                   lists out the four unanswered   difficult to write it artistically. So, one of
                                                   demands in both Chinese and
                                                   English. (Photo courtesty of   the reasons why I set up the workshop
                                                  Midnight Glue)          is to teach others basic skills of making

                                                        They can stop reading news and
                                               taking part in discussions of the move-

                                             ment,  but they cannot turn a blind eye to
                                                      the images on the walls.

  people to join the citywide strike on 5th August.

        •  Complete withdrawal of the
               extradition bill
        •  An independent inquiry into
               alleged police brutality
        •  Retraction of the classification
              of protesters as “rioters”                                 Photo courtesy of Midnight Glue
        •  Amnesty for arrested protesters             A mega-size sticker by Midnight Glue on the roadside show
        •  Implementation of dual universal             cases how anti-riot police treat a protest violently by hitting
               suffrage                                 him with the baton and grabbing his backpack.
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