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48 / People

                                                                                   career. He  appreciates the  teach-
                                                                                   ing method in Beijing that did not
                                                                                   only focus on drawing skills but
                                                                                   more essentially about human
                                                                                   qualities. “They teach you how to
                                                                                   cultivate yourself to draw a good
                                                                                   piece of artwork through learning
                                                                                   history, humanities, and cultures,”
                                                                                   Ma adds.
                                                                                     Back in the era when technolo-
                                                                                   gies were not as advanced as today,
                                                                                   Ma could only share his life in Bei-
                                                                                   jing by emailing photos to his fam-
                                                                                   ily. He enjoyed taking snapshots
                                                                                   when  doing  outdoor  sketching.
                                                                                   This was when he realised photo-
                                                                                   taking was a more direct and faster
                                                                                   way  to  convey  messages  and  his
                                                                                   thoughts compared to drawing.
             Protesters walked forward despite heavy smog caused by tear gas.  (Photo cour
               tesy of Ma)                                                           After  graduating  from  the
                                                                                   CAFA, Ma worked in New York
        in the frontline is very intense                                           as a photographer. He says work-
        and dangerous. Unlike his          I don’t contribute a lot to             ing in New York is not as glamor-
        commercial photo shooting,                                                 ous as how it is portrayed in TV
        Ma can only press the shutter   this social movement. From                 drama. The working environment
        button without thinking. He   my perspective, I only made                  in the US is more relaxing, and job
        recalls when he was taking a                                               nature is similar to Hong Kong but
        photo of police officers shoot-  use of my identity and ability            is even more competitive. Besides,
        ing rubber bullets, a protestor                                            discrimination against Chinese is
        who protected him with an     to do something right,                       another issue Ma faces there.
        umbrella casually asked him
        about the model of his camera.
        It is surreal to Ma.
           “I don’t contribute a lot to this so-
        cial movement. From my perspective,
        I only made use of my identity and             Police stoodoff at the road. (Photo courtesy of Ma)
        ability to do something right,” Ma ex-
        claims. He does not care about people
        criticising him taking these photos for
        money because he does not get paid
        from anyone. And he thinks he does
        not deserve respect from his support-
        ers because he wants to dedicate it to
        the frontline demonstrators.

                  From an Artist
                to a Photographer
           Ma has started drawing since high
        school. He then studied painting and
        illustration at The Central Academy
        of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing. Ma
        describes it as a life changing experi-
        ence  that  has  navigated  him  to  his
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