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               Protesters switched on their phone
                lights during a peaceful protest.
                        (Photo courtesy of Ma)

                   The Authenticity of a Photo                        how to take a decent photo but how to com-
        The art skill gained from drawing portraits strengthens       promise between his judgment and comments
      Ma’s foundation of taking a powerful portrait photo. He is      from clients. Instead of blindly following or-
      sensitive to light and knows how to highlight facial features.   ders, he still expresses his disagreement when
      Even though he has learned photo editing from YouTube, he       he encounters inappropriate comments.
      hates relying too much on image-editing which he thinks
      would weaken a photo’s authenticity. Apart from commercial      Remain True to the Original Aspiration
      photo, he does not edit photos shot for personal interest.         Ma sees no difference in viewing the world
        Ma likes interacting with strangers and is interested in      with his eyes or his camera. Whenever he
      their stories. Every time before he takes a portrait photo, he   looks at a photo, he can reminisce the moment
      chats with the model and introduces himself professionally.     he captured the image. Being a photographer
      He says when models become comfortable being with him,          in this social movement, he feels going back
      their facial expression will be more relaxed.                   to the early stage when he first had an inter-
        He thinks the hardest task as a photographer is not about     est in photography. “It is just like when I first
                                                                      arrived in Beijing, I brought along a camera to
          “Hong Kong freedom fighter” urges the protesters to be well-pre-  take street photos. It is very similar to the situ-
          pared. (Photo courtesy of Ma)                               ation now. And I realise I love taking this kind
                                                                      of photos,” Ma says.
                                                                         While commercial photos limit Ma’s crea-
                                                                      tivity, taking photos in demonstrations al-
                                                                      lows him to take full control of images. This
                                                                      inspired him to create an online photo gallery
                                                                      in October. It features dozens of people who
                                                                      played different roles including frontlines,
                                                                      journalists, protesters, and so on during the
                                                                      social movement. He hopes to deliver the mes-
                                                                      sage that people from different  sectors have
                                                                      fought along with the youth.

                                                                                     Edited by Civi Yap
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