Page 51 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 51

48 / Our Community                                                                                       / 49

 is 1.9 times higher than the average                                        articles regarding the working condi-
 working hour of workers of other pro-                                       tions of couriers. It was poorer than I
 fessions and is much longer than the                                        thought. So, I started taking photos of
 52-hours workweek scheme that Ko-                                           parcels I have received for the photo
 rean government regulates.                                                  exhibition,” she says.
 The Labour Standards Act is ap-                                                The exhibition – ‘Parcel Service’
 plied to company with more than                                             held between September 9 and Octo-
 five employees. However, delivery                                           ber 10 this year showcased photos of
 service workers are not protected by                                        parcels, illustrations of work structure
 the law, as couriers are regarded as                                        of parcel service, screenshots of news
 self-employed workers (special con-                                         articles and piles of parcel boxes.
 tract worker), but not employees of a                                          “I wanted to give a courier a bot-
 company.                                                                    tle of juice in hot summer. But he was
 Kim vows to fight for a better                                              too busy that he had to leave my place
 working environment for delivery ser-                                       right away. So I took a picture of his
 n Da
 th the Liberati
 With the Liberation Day on August 15, couriers took three-days holiday. .  vice workers. Established in 2017, the   back and showcased the photo in the
 y o
 ys ho
 n August 15, c
 ouriers took three-da
 labour union has combated unreason-                                         exhibition,” Kim says.
 most of the death cases did not have  are made. In the long run, the labour   able and unfair issues for 45,000 cou-  “We always seek fast and conveni-
 record of suffering from chronic dis-  union is planning to discuss with the   riers face. “Many offices where parcel   ent service, but I believe that we need
 eases and they worked for more than  government about introducing leg-  classification work is done didn’t even   to think of those who provide this
 14 hours a day before they died. For  islation to address the issue of long   have toilets in the past,” Kim says.  speedy service for us all,” Kim says.
 the latest death case, the concerned  working hours.  “Logistic companies do not recog-
 delivery worker had to deliver 400
 parcels a day. “We believe there are
 cases that are not made public,” Kim
 The labour union is worried deliv-
 ery workers will have heavier work-
 load in the coming months because
 shipping volume reaches the peak be-
 tween September to November every
 It’s heart-breaking

 to see young couri-  A c ourier from P ost Office in Sou th Korea (Photo Courtesy o f  Kim Jee- y oun)
         A courier from Post Office in South Korea (Photo Courtesy of  Kim Jee-youn)
 ers dying from over-  treated like other normal employees,”   “
      Kim says.
 work. I’m afraid                         We need to think of

          ‘Parcel Service’ Exhibition
 that I could be next   Kim Jee-youn, a photographer   those who provide
 too.  Couriers’ daily work starts with loading up a truck with parcels to be delivered. Dur-  who loves taking photos of marginal-  this speedy service
 th parcels to be deli
 vered. Du
 y w
 ork starts wi
 th l
 ’ dail
 oading u
 p a truck wi
      ised people in society held an exhibi-
 ing the pandemic, they deliver 300 parcels a day.
 ”  ing the pandemic, they deli ver 300 parcels a da y .  tion ‘Parcel Service’ in Jeonju, South   for us all.
 In a bid to prevent workers dying   Couriers at the Blind Spot in   nise couriers as their employees. We   Korea, praising their contribution to
 from overwork, the labour union is   Law  really hope these companies will of-  the country.  ”
 demanding logistic companies to hire   According to the labour union of  fer a better working environment and   “I was so surprised when my par-
 supplementary workers for doing par-  delivery workers, the average weekly  treatment to couriers,” Kim says.  cel was delivered to the doorstep at 11   “The shipping volume surges dur-
 cel classification which is a long and   working hour from this January to   “We are still in the process of fight-  p.m.,” says Kim, explaining why she   ing the pandemic. I read several news
 tough process before actual deliveries   August of couriers is 71.3 hours. This  ing for couriers to be recognised and   held the exhibition.
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