Page 70 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 70

68 / People                                                                                                                                                                                                            / 69

                                                                                               “                             Born in an impoverished family,  ¥30,000 for one episode though.       “Making documentaries is just my

                                                                                 I prefer not to dis-                     Jiang now has a family to take care of.   “I can just live for money, but that  job. The job is neither great nor trivial
                                                                                                                          The documentarian has two children,  kind of life won’t make me happy,” Ji-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 compared with other ones,” says Jiang.
                                                                                 honour myself (by                        with the older one just started prima-  ang says. “On the other hand, I cannot   Having  witnessed  suffering  on
                                                                                                                          ry school this September.
                                                                                                                                                             live just for pursuing my ambition,” he  the fringe of Chinese society, Jiang
                                                                                                                             Jiang now supports his filmmak-
                                                                                  asking censors for                      ing aspirations by making videos for   adds.                           remains optimistic. “I will keep on
                                                                                                                                                                In his works, the documentarian  expressing my thoughts as long as I
                                                                                        approval).                        weddings and commercial advertise-  eschews epic documentaries of a so-  haven’t lost hope in this society,” he
                                                                                                                          ments. Every dollar counts. Jiang re-
                                                                                                                                                             ciety in favour of sensitive examina-
                                                                                                                          calls when shooting a wedding video  tions  of  individuals.  Jiang  wishes  to
                                                                                                                          in a village years ago, he tried every  document a wrenching period in the
                                                                                               ”                          means to get an extra RMB ¥50 when  Chinese society. “Some people prefer
                                                                                                                          the family was only willing to pay him  to  use  words  to  express  themselves,
                                                                                                                          RMB ¥600. Producing commercial  while some others prefer images. As
                                                                                                                          advertisements can help finance his  for me, I use documentaries because
                                                                                                                          ambitions more that he can earn RMB  it is more powerful,” he says.
                                                   f the film, Y
                                    ring the shooting o
                          th actors du
        Jiang Nengjie talks wi
        Jiang Nengjie talks with actors during the shooting of the film, Yun Jie.
                                                              n Jie.
         Photo c
                 rtesy o
                      f Jiang Nengjie
        (Photo courtesy of Jiang Nengjie)
        tural landscape. “If you don’t advance,  edits. “I prefer not to dishonour my-
        you will retreat,” Jiang says.      self (by asking censors for approval),”
           Chinese authorities have been  he says.
        tightening the noose on independent    Independent documentary direc-
        films over the past decade. On Janu-  tors in China have long understood
        ary 9, the China Independent Film  that, without a letter of approval of
        Festival (CIFF) declared its indefinite  public screening from censors which
        suspension after 17 years, saying it has  they call a “dragon seal”, their works
        become “impossible” to undertake  will only reach a handful of hardy
        such an event amid the country’s cur-  Chinese fans - perhaps via a semi-un-
        rent political climate, and that it has  derground film screening at a bar or
        completed its  “historic  mission”  of  on college campuses. Losing money is
        promoting “films for freedom”.      inevitable.
           The CIFF was regarded as one of     Jiang notices that many people are
        the largest platforms for Chinese in-  reluctantly leaving the industry over
        dependent works. Founded in the  these years. “With channels of distri-
        eastern city of Nanjing in 2003, the  bution stunted by authorities, …no
        event was staged 14 times, showing  market can exist in the field,” he la-
        around 1,000 films and documenta-   ments. Documentary filmmakers like
        ries with most of them touching on  Jiang have no choice but to distribute
        homosexuality and sensitive political  their works privately, while audience
        issues which are deemed inappropri-  can choose to send them cash equiva-
        ate or sensitive by authorities.    lent of a cinema ticket via QR codes
           Stepping on a censorship land-   often seen attached under posters of
        mine, Chinese independent film-     films. “You can even watch my works
        makers now find them left with little  on pornography websites,” he adds.
        choice: either altering their works to                                                                             Jiang Nengjie has f ou nded 4 public reading rooms in Xinning,  Hu nan. ( Photo c ou rtesy o f Jiang Nengjie )
                                                                                                                           Jiang Nengjie has founded 4 public reading rooms in Xinning, Hunan. (Photo courtesy of Jiang Nengjie)
        secure a  public  release  or staying  as   Discern reality from ambition
        the embattled nonconformists.          Jiang  has  his  feet  on  the  ground
           Jiang did not bring his latest docu-  despite his ambition in documentary.
        mentary to censors for approval ap-  “I am just a layman in daily life, occa-  CIF F  declared i ts defini te suspensi o n
                                                                                 CIFF declared its definite suspension
        plication, knowing that  they would  sionally pretending to be morally lofty   on January 9, 2020. (Source: official
                                                                                      uary 9,
                                                                                  n J
                                                                                                     rce: o
                                                                                             2020. (
        either say no or demand a long list of  in my works,” Jiang says as he smiles.  Wechat acc oun t o f CIF F)
                                                                                 Wechat account of CIFF)
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