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                 ary  Li  enrolled  her  eight-                              “
                 year-old son in English,
        Mdrawing, and Lego classes                      Children will fall behind
        when he was four. When the boy
        started to go to primary school, other    if they do not take extra classes.
        than 40 hours per week in school, he
        had to spend nine hours on five after-                               ”
        school classes including English and
        Mathematics.                        RMB ¥1 trillion (US $0.15 trillion) by  ing weekends, holidays, or after 9:00
           “Every  parent  in  Shanghai does   2025, according to a 2020 report by  p.m. on weekdays.  Tutoring is only
        the same thing. Children will fall be-  management consulting firm Oliver  allowed  on  weekdays  with  a  limited
        hind if they do not take extra classes,”   Wyman.                       number of hours.
        Li says.                               China banned for-profit tutoring
           Li’s family spends about RMB     in core education to rein in the coun-  After the “Double Reduction”
        ¥60,000 (US $9,282) a year on tutor-  try’s private education industry and           Policy
        ing classes and has spent over RMB   improve school-life balance for fami-  Li signed up her son for English
        ¥200,000 (US $30,940) since her son   lies in July 2021. The policy, dubbed  and Mathematics tutoring classes on
        started attending tutoring classes.   “double reduction”, aims at releasing  Monday and Friday respectively be-
        Every year countless families fork out   the burden of off-campus tutoring for  fore the “double reduction” policy
        for off-campus classes for their chil-  students at the stage of compulsory  was introduced. Each lesson lasts for
        dren, contributing to the booming   education and excessive homework  two hours and ends before 9:00 p.m.
        tutoring industry in China.         assigned by schools.                Her son also has calligraphy, street
           The market size of China’s after-   Under the new policy, all private  dance, and basketball classes during
        school tutoring for kindergarten to   tutoring institutions are banned from  weekends.
        12th grade (K-12) students reached   making profits by providing tutoring   “All  arrangements  can  remain
        RMB ¥800 billion (US $123.7 billion)   services of school curriculum subjects  unchanged because they all meet the
        in 2019, and was predicted to break   such as English and Mathematics dur-  time restrictions. But I still dropped

                           A private tutoring app provides tutoring classes for 5th grade students.
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