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independence. “
Ng says that the new union will not
provide teachers’ welfare in order to The pro-Beijing unions will not be
avoid overlapping with ser-
vices like shopping welfare able to replace the PTU.
that the FEW already has.
He adds that it will pro- ”
vide consultation and legal with a pro-democracy Beijing and Hong Kong authorities to
assistance in cases involv- political stance in the cease their crackdown on peaceful
ing teachers’ rights, which education industry will civil society organisations.
explains why pro-Beijing probably not emerge in
lawyer and National Peo- the short term.
ple’s Congress representative Ng Chi-wui He also says that the
Chen Man-qi is appointed trend of disbandment of
the union’s advisors. other prominent pro-democracy or-
“We will not harbour any preju- ganisations and unions will lead to a
dices when dealing with cases involv- steady loss of organisational power of
ing professional misconduct, but will the pro-democracy camp.
not protect teachers involved in illegal “The National Security Law and
activities,” Ng stresses. the social distancing measures under
the pandemic created an unfavour-
What Does the Disbandment Tell able atmosphere for political activi-
Us? ties. The limited resources of smaller
Ma Ngok, an associate professor pro-democracy groups also does not
from the Chinese University of Hong help,” Ma says.
Kong’s (CUHK) Department of Gov- Another commentator Lau Siu-
ernment and Public Administration, kai, deputy head of the Chinese As-
thinks that the pro-Beijing unions will sociation of Hong Kong and Macau
not be able to replace the PTU. Studies, says he is unfamiliar with the
“Due to their political stance, it will subject.
be hard for these unions to build trust Bernard Charnwut
with the former members of the PTU. Chan, the non-official
They are also relatively inexperienced convenor of the Executive
when it comes to defending teachers’ Council, said on Septem-
rights and dealing with complaints, ber 12 that he felt pity for
which the PTU was very experienced the PTU’s disbandment,
in,” he says. but stressed that no organ-
The associate professor says that isations should challenge
the PTU was targeted by the authori- “one country, two sys- Ma Ngok
ties due to its influence on Hong tems” under the National
Kong’s social movement. Security Law.
“The Central and Hong Kong gov- The convenor also believed that
ernments alleged that the PTU incit- the disbandment of one or two organ-
ed teachers to encourage students to isations would not affect the develop-
actively participate in the 2019 anti- ment of Hong Kong’s civil society.
extradition bill movement. This led The US Department of State issued
to Beijing’s decision to deal with the a press statement on October 21 ex-
union,” Ma explains. pressing serious concern at the con-
Given the current political atmos- tinued erosion of fundamental free-
phere, he believes that new unions doms in Hong Kong and called on the