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                         The trend of disbandment of other promi-

                           nent pro-democracy organisations and

                            unions will lead to a steady loss of or-

                         ganisational power of the pro-democracy



                                                                                          Edited by Reus Lok
                                                                                 Sub-edited by Hayley Wong

           Some pro-democracy organisations disbanded since August 2021

                          Name of organisation                       Date of announcement of disbandment

          Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union                                    August 10

          Civil Human Rights Front                                                  August 15
          612 Humanitarian Relief Fund                                              August 18
          Civic Passion                                                            September 3

          Wall-fare                                                                September 14

          Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions                                  September 19
          Student Politicism                                                       September 24

          Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic
          Movements of China                                                       September 25
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