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                    Jeffrey Andrews leads a group of YMCA volunteers touring inside the Chungking Mansions.

      dated by, he wants to bridge the gap  gling for all their lives,” he adds.
      between ethnic  minorities  and local
      Chinese.                                     Looking ahead
        He believes a big step moving for-  At the time of the interview, An-
      ward was achieved two years ago dur-  drews was still anticipating his next
      ing a protest.                     bail report on October 21, 2021.
        On October 20, 2019, during the     “I do not know what will happen to
      period of anti-government protest, a  me on [that day] but let me just leave
      group of ethnic minorities, including  a legacy as far as I can and see where
      Andrews, stood outside Chungking  it takes me. I just keep my head down
      Mansions and distributed drinking  no matter what,” the 36-year-old says.
      water to protesters.                  Despite the uncertainties, An-
        “[The support] was so amazingly  drews vows to make Hong Kong a
      well-received that many people want-  better place for ethnic minorities. He
      ed to check out us and Chungking  wishes schools will incorporate guid-
      Mansions,  so  we  did  tours  for them  ed tours to Chungking Mansions into
      too,” says Andrews, pointing at a pic-  their curriculum.
      ture of a long queue outside the build-  “I  want  children  to  come  to  feel,
      ing for the tour.                  touch, talk, and taste. Education needs
        “In the challenging times we are in,  to change. Minority interaction needs
      people understand and relate to eth-  to change,” he adds.
      nic minorities, who have been strug-
                                                Edited by Fiona Cheung
                                                 Sub-edited by Eve Lee
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