In the past few decades, there has been a trend for most political movements to express their resentment
and discontent through demonstrations, rallies or petitions collected by protestors. Since the June 4th Movement, however,
there have been few large-scale demonstrations in Hong Kong. The protests aroused by the dispute between China and Japan
over the Diaoyu Islands was an exception. On 15 September, anti-Japanese sentiment reached another zenith: 12,000 people
participated in the rally against Japanese government on that day. Though their actions were restrained, their patriotic feelings
were nonetheless evident.
Instead of shouting anti-Japanese slogans, this elderly lady quietly reads pamplets about Diaoyu Islands as her way of supporting
the movement. | The protest was one of the largest gatherings since the June 4th movement. |
Eyes filled with tears, protestor mourns the loss of Chinese territory. | The burned flag of Japanese militarism is flying in the air. |
Stepping on the Japanese national flag. |
Demonstrator shows determination in reclaiming the Diaoyu Islands. |