Page 38 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 38


        Gap Year:

                       Work or Travel?

        Hong Kong gappers intern. Others volunteer and travel

        By Katherine Wang and Lasley Lui

             tudents  always face many tests                                   vision aligns with my personal value is
             and exams. Taking a break from                                    really important.”
        Sacademics for a year and having                                          Another organization, Projects
        a rest sounds attractive to them.      Leadership does                 Abroad, also provides worldwide
           “Gap year”, originated in western                                   volunteering programmes for young
        countries in the 1960’s, provides a    not improve over                people. They can choose among pro-
        golden opportunity for students to ex-                                 grammes like teaching,      c on -
        plore the world, look for a richer spir-  time at school               servation and care
        itual life and exchange cultural ideas .                               based on their
        It is usually taken between the end of                                 interests    and
        secondary school and the start of uni-  ops when we are conducting multicul-  professions. The
        versity, or during university education.  tural leading roles,” says Chan. After  most  popular

                                            the gap year, he knew what his ideal  destination is Ne-
          What did Hong Kong students do    working environment looks like in his  pal and teenagers
              during their gap years?       future career. “Whether the company  like to attend medi-  Chan Wing-chi
           Oscar Chan Chi-kin, a Year 3
        business student at the
        Hong Kong Uni-
        versity of Science
        and Technology,
        took a leap in Sin-
        gapore last year
        to work as a vol-
        unteering national
        team vice-president   Oscar Chan
        for AIESEC, a plat-
        form for young peo-
        ple to develop leadership. “Instead of
        being career-driven like most others, I
        hope for clarity of life direction, figur-
        ing out what I love to contribute to,”
        he says.
             “Leadership does not improve                      Gappers reunited at International Congress 2017 in Colombia
        over time at school. Instead, it devel-                                          Photo courtesy of Oscar Chan
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