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                                            Life-driven gap year is not popular in

                                          Hong Kong as open-minded parents are

                                                         not mainstream here

      Groups (HKFYG).                    workplace is like, reflect on it and fig-  Cheung says.
        The HKFYG has been working       ure out whether they like to study or    Tips here for students who want to
      with the Hang Seng Bank since 2014   work,” says Cheung. “They may com-  take a gap year: Always think of why
      to organise a youth employment pro-  pare school life with challenges they  [you want to take a gap year] and be
      gramme for low academic achievers   experienced in reality. The academic  brave  to  pursue  what  you  believe  is
      in schools. With the guidance of so-  stress for them is just a piece of cake.”  right.
      cial workers, this group of students   Cheung says for students who have
      are allowed to put their studies on   to deal with low motivation to study     Edited by Sam Kwong
      hold for a year to participate in work   and emotional problems, exploring              & Valerie Wan
      placements tailored to their interests.   and travelling around the world would
      Unit-in-charge                     not solve their problems as they are
      of Youth Em-                       not mature enough to manage their
      ployment Net-                      life. Instead of wasting a whole year,
      work, Cheung                       they can obtain a fruitful experience
      Chi-wai, says a                    through placement and internships.
      gap year can be                         “Life-driven gap year is not popu-
      a life-changing                    lar  in  Hong  Kong  as  open-minded
      experience for    Cheung Chi-wai   parents are not the mainstream here.”
        “A leave from school for a couple
      of days may not help those students.
      We hope they can explore their life   The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups encourages students to take a gap year
      seriously through a gap year,” Cheung
        A gap year does not mean one has
      to leave school. The school will guar-
      antee that students can still return to
      school after the gap year, which frees
      them from many worries.
        “The ‘Placement’ of our pro-
      gramme does not just mean that stu-
      dents are assigned to job positions. In-
      stead, we put great emphasis on their
      autonomy and independence. We en-
      courage them to seek full-time jobs by
      themselves,” Cheung says.
        Some attendees failed to find jobs
      for several times. Cheung says these
      experiences help them see the reality.
      “They can have a taste of what a real
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