Page 40 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 40


            A volunteer helping the locals to do
                     body check in Sri Lanka
             Photo courtesy of Projects Abroad

                                            ing with the flow blindly, taking gap  than just focusing on earning money,”
                                            year internship only because others  she adds.
                                            are taking. But there are also people
                                            knowing well what they are doing and     Travelling while working
                                            benefiting from their enjoyable and   If students want to work while be-
                                            meaningful experiences.” Wong adds.  ing paid to travel during a gap year,
                                      is an online institu-  working holiday sounds like a win-
                                            tion selling gap year planning and  win situation.
                                            internship opportunities. The emer-    In 2015, more than 11,000 young
                                            gence of such kind of institutions  people in Hong Kong successfully
                                            might explain why there are criticisms  applied for a working holiday visa,
                                            saying that gap year is gradually devi-  according to the Labour and Wel-
                                            ating from its original intention.   fare Bureau. The Working Holiday
                                               “Employers are now looking for  Scheme, designed by the government,
                                            relevant workplace skills, knowledge  provides an opportunity for young-
                                            and passion for the vocation to dif-  sters aged between 18 and 30 to en-
                                            ferentiate candidates… The emphasis  rich their global exposure in countries
                                            is now firmly on the ‘super-curricu-  like New Zealand, Australia, Ireland,
                                            lar’ experience – something which a  Germany, Japan and the UK. Thanks
                                            structured gap year offers on a plate!”  to its welcoming policy, Australia re-
                                            These appealing words are excerpted  mains the most  popular  destination
                                            from the company’s website.         for working holidays, captivating over
                                               However, Sascha Choi On, a Ko-   75 per cent of participants.
                                            rean student from CUHK has a differ-   Hong Kong youngsters hoping
                                            ent view. “Nowadays it’s changing. My  to enrol in the public universities en-
                                            Asian friends also like to travel during  counter high competitions every year.
                                            gap year and they really want to find  The high pressure does not allow high
                                            the  sense  of  self  such as  ‘who  I  am’,  school students to relax, causing emo-
                                            ‘what the goal in my life is.”      tional problems and low learning mo-
         Source: Legislative Council Paper - Ex-  “Asian students highly care about  tivation. They become the main target
         amination of Estimates of Expenditure   their inner peace and happiness rather  of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth
         2016-17 LWB (L) 029
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