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               Dedicated to Serving

                                              the Minorities

             Former social worker Rex Yiu talks about his own experience as a sexual
                              minority and his service in the Hong Kong LGBT community

                                                                                         By Lambert Siu

           ike many other teenagers, Rex    Yiu eventually plucked up his  ual minorities who suffer from similar
           Yiu met his first love – a girl –  courage and decided to come out in  problems.
     Lwhen he was a secondary school  a fellowship gathering.  But responses    He  recalled an experience  in his
      student. But he had a strange feeling  from his fellowship members made  university life which changed his
      about dating a girl. He did not feel any  him feel weird. “Maybe people in the  worldview. An anti-LGBT organisa-
      affection and was unwilling to hold  fellowship were teenagers, so they  tion, the Society for Truth and Light,
      her hand or hug her. There he learnt  didn’t have any peculiar reactions.  did a full-page advertisement express-
      about his sexuality.               But no one would discuss or share  ing their opposition against the legis-
        Having come out publicly and hap-  any views on the topic [about coming  lation of Sexual Orientation Discrimi-
      pily married with his male partner,  out],” he says.                   nation Ordinance on Ming Pao. To his
      Yiu, 34, now works in the administra-                                  surprise, his Christian classmates be-
      tive section for a non-governmental                                    gan to question their religion. “It was
      organisation. Previously he worked                                     the very first time that I thought there
      as a social worker mainly helping and    It’s one of the               might be a possibility for the world to
      providing  counselling service to  the                                 change,” he says.
      LGBT community in Hong Kong for  dreams that I have                       Yiu became a social worker after
      10 years.                            always kept in my                 graduating in 2006. LGBT was still not
        Growing up as a sexual minor-                                        a major service target in the local so-
      ity, Yiu definitely feels the pain and   heart, and it finally         cial work field at that time. There was
      sufferings of the LGBT community.                                      no  formal organisation which spe-
      Having studied in a Christian sec-         comes true                  cifically offered support to the LGBT
      ondary school, where homosexuality                                     community. Whenever some main-
      is considered a sin, he felt guilty for                                stream NGOs start  volunteer projects
      his sexual orientation when he was a                                   about LGBT, Yiu never hesitates to
      teenager.                                                              join. “It’s one of the dreams that I have
        “I chose to believe in Christianity   He at last found comfort when he  always kept in my heart, and it finally
      at that time, which intensified my in-  came out to a priest who prayed for  comes true,” Yiu says.
      ner struggle. The situation went worse  him instead of judging his decision.   Yiu’s adversities in the teenage
      since most of my friends were Chris-  As he began his university study, he  years have made him a more under-
      tians and I did not have the courage  met some new friends who were more  standing person, especially when

      to tell them [that I’m gay],” he recalls.   receptive and open-minded towards  helping the LGBT youth, who long for
        During the toughest times of his  his sexuality.                     others to understand their difficulties
      life, he wrote diaries about his inner   The pain of growing up in Yiu’s  and loneliness. “My identity and ex-
      thoughts. He even thought of com-  teenage life had helped him under-  periences help me better understand
      mitting suicide. “In the worst days, I  stand more about his own identity  others’ situations,” he explains.
      had 20 to 30 nightmares every night  and led him to study social work in   He thinks these LGBT teens easily
      which kept me awake,” he recalls.   university in a bid to help other sex-  have problems with socialisation, as
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