Page 54 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 54


              okfulam Village is often de-  stant threats of urban development.
              scribed as a “brighter and clean-  “Even people living here felt pessi-
        Per” version of Kowloon Walled  mistic about the village’s future at that
        City. Tin-roofed huts, narrow alleys  time. Everyone was feeling gloomy,”
        and laundry hanging outside shabby  Aaron Wong Kwong-cheung, vice-       Even people living
        huts are all features of the 400-year-  chairperson of the Pokfulam Village
        old village which is said to be one of  Cultural Landscape Conservation   here felt pessimistic
        the last indigenous villages on Hong  Group, recalls the early days when the
        Kong Island.                        group was established in 2009.        about the village’s
           Surrounded by high rise buildings,
                                               The group has initiated various
        the village has witnessed important  festive activities for villagers and out- future at that time.
        historical moments of Hong Kong, the  siders, to reunite the village with a
        arrival of Missions étrangères de Paris  “sense of belonging”. They also want  Everyone was feel-
        in the 1870s, and the establishment of  to introduce the village culture to the   ing gloomy
        the largest dairy farm in Hong Kong  public. Fire Dragon Dance performed
        in the 19th century, just to name a few.  at Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the
        Today, the village is home to 3,000 res-  highlights.
        idents with different family names.
           Like many other rural villages,
        Pokfulam Village has been under con-
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