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20 / Periscope

        weakens Hong Kong workers’ negotiation power.               a Hong Kong-based e-Sports player after he
           “It is not just Cathay Pacific’s issues,” says Tam. “It can also   shouted “Liberate Hong Kong; revolution of
        extend to any other industries, not only the airline [industry].”   our time” during a post-game stream.
        He cites China’s boycott on Taipan Bread & Cakes and the Na-
        tional Basketball Association as examples. Both of the brands
        faced backlash in the Chinese market after their executives ex-
        pressed support for Hong Kong protests on social media. Bliz-              It is not just
        zard Entertainment, the American gaming company, punished    Cathay Pacific’s issues…
           Timeline of events happened in the aviation industry      It can also extend to any
                   under the influence of “white terror”
                                                                    other industries, not only

                                                                   the airline [industry].

                                                                    Freedom trembling with fear
                                                                      The shifting political landscape and grow-
                                                                    ing  strong-arming  by  China  are  not  only
                                                                    changing the way businessmen do business
                                                                    in the global financial hub, but also fuelling
                                                                    a chilling effect on ordinary people in their
                                                                    daily lives.
                                                                      Allan Au Ka-lun, professional consultant
                                                                    of the School of Journalism and Communica-
                                                                    tion at the Chinese University of Hong Kong,
                                                                    says that he could not recognise his friends
                                                                    on Facebook because they have changed
                                                                    their names and profile pictures to hide
                                                                    their identities, in fear of being reported by
                                                                    acquaintances for posting something that is
                                                                    not in favour of the government.
                                                                      “It seems like everything is normal, but                                                       Colourful sticky notes appear on the Lennon Wall outside HKCTU’s office.
                                                                    everything is abnormal,” says Au. “You are
                                                                    afraid of expressing your opinions. You don’t trust
                                                                    other people, your friends, your boss, or even your
                                                                    parents, your relatives.” He says this kind of distrust
                                                                    between people is “terrifying”.
                                                                      As a former reporter at Television Broadcasts
                                                                    Limited (TVB), Hong Kong’s largest free TV station,
                                                                    which has become the target of protesters after be-
                                                                    ing accused of a pro-Beijing bias, Au makes an anal-
                                                                    ogy between the self-censorship pressure in the
                                                                    newsroom he personally experienced decades ago
                                                                    and the white terror which has recently cast a shad-
                                                                    ow over many companies in the city. “This is con-
                                                                                 trol through organisational fabric,”
                                                                                    says Au. “Organisational control
                                                                                     is not an explicit threat. No
                                                                                     one will tell you what to do or
                                                                                     what not to do. No one will tell
                                                                                     you [whether] you will be pun-
                                                                                    ished,”  Au  says.  He  adds  what
                                                                                   authorities need to do is just to
                                                                    Allan Au Ka-lun
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