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                                                 Colourful sticky notes appear on the Lennon Wall outside HKCTU’s office.

     control the boss who has the immense  want and say whatever we want,” Lee   a lot. We lost freedom in Hong Kong.
     power to decide whom to hire and fire.  says. “We always speak a lot during   We lost freedom in our company.”
        He refers to the organisational con-  the flights. Even if we have different   The sudden mishap disrupts Lee’s
     trol as party-state capitalism, a term  points of view, we can share with each   plan for the future. “I became the col-
     used to describe the economy of Tai-  other.”                           lateral damage crushed by the large
     wan under the authoritarian military   But after the first dismissal event, a   wheel of politics,” Lee wrote in a Face-
     government of the Kuomintang. “You  “weird” atmosphere arose among the   book post on September 5, the day he
     don’t have to use any harsh measures  crew. Lee says they did not chat any-  left his once-beloved company.
     to control people,” Au says. “Once you  more in the cabin and he could feel the
     have money and capital, you can have  distance between colleagues. “We lost
     more civilised ways to control people.”                                           Edited by Gloria Li
        Au thinks the white terror will not
     end, and people will get more used to         We lost a lot. We
        Lee shares Au’s observation that   lost freedom in Hong
     the climate of fear has no end in sight.   Kong. We lost freedom
     Lee recalls that many chose to join the
     airline industry because they thought   in our company
     they could enjoy freedom there. “We
     can fly to other places, do whatever we
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