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        Shek and Wong say they hope the whole community,
      disregarding  their  political  stances,  can  join  their  public
      screenings and participants share their opinions openly.
        “It’s different from watching a movie in a dark room of a
      cinema where you can barely see what’s happening around
                                      you… Here (in com-
                  It (holding         munity    screenings)
                                      you can directly feel
            community                 the emotions of the
          screenings) is a            person next to you,”
                                      says  Wong.  “It (hold-
       worthy thing to do             ing community screen-
        no matter there is            ings) is a worthy thing
                                      to do no matter there is
        one or many audi-             one or many audience
                                      members,” adds Shek.
      ence members,

                                                                             Poster of “Blossom Everywhere” screen-
                                                                           ings of movie “1987: When the Day Comes”
                               Edited by Raven Hui                              listing all the sessions in Hong Kong

                                                               Wong and Shek setting up equipment for the screening.
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