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28 / Our Community

                                                                          How do we recognise
                                                                          children’s anxiety problems?
                                                                            Suki Lung Wing-kei, a regis-
                                                                          tered expressive arts therapist,
                                                                          says that anxiety problem can
                                                                          be divided into behavioral and
                                                                          mental anxiety. On behavio-
                                                                          ral anxiety, children will show
                                                                          their nervousness when meeting
                                                                          strangers, and they will be reluc-
                                                                          tant to be separated from their
                                                                          parents. As for the mental issue,
                                                                          children may suffer from nausea,
                                                                          headaches and stomach pain.
                                                                          Lung also adds that it is easy for
                                                                          parents to know whether their
                                                                          children are suffering from anxi-
           Chan  adds,  “they  won’t  have  enough  courage   Dr. Phyllis   ety or not as they are willing to
        and won’t be adventurous enough to try new things.   Chan Kwok-   expose their inner emotions.
        This is a sign of anxiety in children, and it sometimes   ling      “The mental health problem
        grows to the point of evasion.”                                   in  one’s  growth  development
           If children fail to accomplish certain tasks, their            is very essential. If the anxiety
        self-esteem will be undermined more severely. How-                problem of children is serious,
        ever, on the other extreme, children who expect                   it will affect their social interac-
        more of themselves may also become perfectionists.                tions like being afraid of speak-
                                                                          ing to outsiders or becoming very
                  They won’t have enough                                  passive in learning,” Lung adds.
                                                                            Expressive arts therapy is an
               courage and won’t be                                       innovative and creative therapy treatment                                                                    Baby gym facilities at The Little Gym of Hong Kong.
           adventurous enough to try                                      that helps children express their feelings
           new things. This is a sign of                                  through  visual arts, music, drama, dancing
                                                                          or creative writing. As the verbal expression
            anxiety in children, and it                                   of young kids is still weak , Lung uses non-
              sometimes grows to the                                      verbal therapy to help children with mental
               point of evasion.                                            Lung recalls a child from a single parent
                                                                          family in her child development class. The
                                                                          boy pulled at the door frame with his arms
           To avoid exerting excessive stress on children,                and legs to avoid walking into the room.
        Chan thinks that parents’ attitude are essential.                   “He needed some time, so we slowly built
        “When children suffer from anxiety problems, 70                   up a relationship with him, and let him per-
        to 80 per cent of their parents also suffer from anxi-            ceive that the environment is safe. We also
        ety problems too,” Chan says. Most therapies rely on              gave him a certain extent of self-autonomy
        the efforts of parents. They need to consider how to              to do what he wanted in class,” she says. Af-
        adjust their children’s schedule, and offer enough                ter a period of settlement, the child ended up
        space for children.                                               making friends, participating more and even
           She also suggests that parents should focus on                 telling his mother about what he did in class.
        building emotional attachments with their chil-
        dren and devote more time to play with them. For                  A way for children to relieve their
        instance, activities such as story-telling, physical              stress
        activities or outdoor natural exploration should be                 Walter Assang, program director of The
        indulged, rather than excessive enrollment in play-               Little Gym of Hong Kong, says he established
        groups and interest classes.                                      the baby gym because he wants to introduce
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