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30 / Our Community

                                                                                         When Life

                                                                        comes to an End

                                                                     Patients in their last stage of life can choose the end-of-life treatment they receive

                                                                   by signing an advance directive, but medical workers, paramedics and their family
                                                                                                  members have little knowledge about it.

                                                                                                            By Howard Li

                   an Sin-man is an 81-year-old volunteer of Sham Shui Po District El-  them is a beneficiary of the patients’
                   derly Community Centre. She is diagnosed with angina pectoris,  inheritance.
        Wwhich means she suffers from chest pain due to coronary heart dis-       The government  has launched
         ease. She has been admitted to hospital many times and undergone five surger-  a three-month public consultation
         ies for the same illness so far. But Wan is not afraid of talking about death, as   over the legislation of advance di-
         without the advanced medical facilities, she thinks she would have died already.  rectives in early September  2019. It
           Wan learns about advance directive from news and supports the signing   is part of the advance care planning
         of it. Her doctors have never mentioned anything about it during follow-up   process in which patients express
         consultations. Wan already has her last will prepared, though she still has   preferences  over end-of-life  care  af-
         not signed the advance directive. “It was tough for both patients and family   ter discussing with family members
         members to see windpipes being inserted into a patient’s throat,” says Wan.  and healthcare workers.
           Advance directive is a written document in which a mentally-competent
         person aged 18 or above indicates what healthcare treatment he or she refus-  Medical not equipped well
         es to have, such as tube feeding and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, when he   enough
         or she enters a persistent vegetative state, goes into an irreversible coma or   Advance directive was promoted
         suffers from other end-of-life illnesses. It must be signed under the supervi-  when the Law Reform Commission
         sion of two witnesses, one of them must be a registered doctor and neither of
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