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      were directly translated by foreign
      missionaries, so I found it hard to
      relate to. There are more music pro-
      ductions  from  Hong Kong worship
      groups now, resulting in more con-
      temporary and cooler Christian mu-
      sic,” Yeung adds.
        Another musician of a worship
      group Raw Harmony, Matthew Li, 35,
      composes and sings Christian songs.
      He also shares Yeung’s thoughts about
      Christian music.
        Li says he intends to address what
      is happening in Hong Kong with songs
      he writes. “It is impossible to neglect
      what is going on in the city and sim-
      ply write about religion. Words like

                                           Over a thousand participated in the prayer and worship rally in
                                          front of the Court of Final Appeal held by Sea of Glass Worship on
                                                                    August 30, 2019.
                                                           (Photo courtesy of Gabby Yeung)

             These songs do not quite reflect the current social con-

                text in Hong Kong. That is why we have more songs

                  that can address Hongkongers’ fear and despair.

      ‘death’, ‘suppressed’, ‘diseases’ came to  the 31-year-old singer and composer  music award ceremony in December
      my mind naturally and are used in my  says.                            last year and introducing new Chris-
      songs,” he says.                      Citing a scene from the movie Ti-  tian music monthly, The Lab also or-
        Instead of writing lyrics about life  tanic in which passengers were busy  ganised a Christian music festival on
      in general, Li hopes to set his music  putting on lifejackets when musicians  March 7 this year to promote more
      apart from traditional Christian mu-  continued playing music, Mak says:  diversified Christian music.
      sic and that his music can resonate  “That is exactly what we want to do   “Because  of  the  social  move-
      with different classes in society.  for our city.”                     ments, Hong Kong Christian music
        Echoing Li, a musician of           Sharing the belief that Christian  productions like songs written by
      Milk&Honey Worship group, Match-   music should keep up with today’s so-  Milk&Honey Worship have become
      es Mak, agrees that having ‘Made in  ciety, Harold Chan founded the Hy-  more known to the public. That
      Hong Kong’ worship music is crucial.  personic Lab, an online platform fea-  changes the public perception of
        “Most worship songs praise God  turing a broad spectrum of Christian  Christian music. Our music can also
      and have positive meanings. These  music  ranging  from classical,  pop,  be down-to-earth and have various
      songs do not quite reflect the current  R&B to electronic music in 2019. The  genres,” Chan says.
      social context in Hong Kong. That is  platform has over 4000 followers on   Through his platform, the 31-year-
      why we have more songs that can ad-  Facebook.                         old passionate musician hopes to push
      dress Hongkongers’ fear and despair,”   Apart from holding a Christian  the Christian music industry forward
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